Path: ACPro/Trajectory
% AIRCRAFTPOINTMASSCONTROL Control function for a 3D point mass aircraft. Computes the angle of attack and thrust for a 3D point mass aircraft. Only the first two elements of the state vector are used. It calls EquilibriumControls. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form [T, alpha] = AircraftTrajectoryControl( s, d, tauGamma, tauV, vSet, gammaSet ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ s (:,1) State vector [v;gamma;...] d (.) Data structure .m (1,1) Aircraft mass (kg) .g (1,1) Gravitational acceleration (m/s^2) .thrust (1,1) Thrust (N) .alpha (1,1) Angle of attack (rad) .phi (1,1) Roll angle (rad) .s (1,1) Surface area (m^2) .cD0 (1,1) Zero lift drag .k (1,1) Lift drag coupling term .cLAlpha (1,1) Lift coefficient ------- Outputs ------- T (1,1) Thrust alpha (1,1) Angle of attack --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ACPro: Trajectory/EquilibriumControls ACPro: Trajectory/RHSPointMassAircraft
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