
Path: ACPro/Wind

% Combined steady-state and gust model for wind. To be used in simulation.
   wind = WindModel( action, x, mET )

   action	(:)	String argument specifying the action to take

               'initialize'   Initialize with data. Second input, 
                               x, is data structure with fields:
                               .jD   Initial Julian date at start of sim
                              	.gustPeriod         Period at which gust model matrices are updated [sec]
                              	.steadyStatePeriod	Period at which steady-state wind is computed [sec]
                              	.sigmaU           	Standard deviation of gust velocity in x [m/s]
                               .sigmaV            	Standard deviation of gust velocity in y [m/s]
                               .sigmaW            	Standard deviation of gust velocity in z [m/s]

                             'xdot'         Compute wind gust state derivatives. 
                                            Second input, x, is the 5x1 wind gust 
                                            state vector.

                             'update'       Update the model and return the
                                            wind velocity. Remaining inputs 
                                            for this case described below.

   x       (.)     Aircraft state data structure. The disturbance
                          state vector must be a 5x1 vector for the wind 
                          gust states: u (1), v (2), w (2).

   mET     (1,1)   Mission-elapsed time    [sec]

   wind    (3,1)    Velocity of wind in body frame  [m/s]

   See also:	 WindGust, HorizontalWind.


AC: ACData/ACTConstants
ACPro: Wind/HorizontalWind
ACPro: Wind/WindGust
AerospaceUtils: Coord/CoordinateTransform
AerospaceUtils: Coord/ECIToEF
AerospaceUtils: Coord/EFToLatLonAlt
AerospaceUtils: Coord/LatLonAltToEF
SC: Ephem/EOfE
SC: Ephem/EarthNut
SC: Ephem/EarthPre
SC: Ephem/EarthRot
SC: Ephem/GMSTime
SC: Ephem/MSidDay
SC: Ephem/NutDelta
SC: Ephem/ObOfE
SC: Ephem/TruEarth
SC: SCData/sCTConstants
Common: Classes/@statespace/and.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/close.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/connect.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/eig.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/get.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/getabcd.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/getsub.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/isempty.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/mtimes.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/plus.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/series.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/set.m
Common: Classes/@statespace/statespace.m
Common: CommonData/Constants
Common: CommonData/SwooshWatermark
Common: CommonData/xSplashSmall
Common: Control/Append
Common: Control/FRespG
Common: Control/GSS
Common: Control/Parallel
Common: Control/S2Damp
Common: Control/SS2ND
Common: Control/Series
Common: Control/SizeABCD
Common: Control/TrnsZero
Common: Control/WPZ
Common: Control/WReson
Common: Control/ZFresp
Common: Database/Constant
Common: General/CellToMat
Common: General/DeleteCell
Common: General/MatToCell
Common: General/Watermark
Common: Graphics/LogLimit
Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Common: Graphics/PltStyle
Common: Graphics/TextS
Common: Quaternion/Mat2Q
Common: Quaternion/QForm
Common: Quaternion/QMult
Common: Quaternion/QPose
Common: Time/DTAToDTS
Common: Time/DTSToDTA
Common: Time/Date2DN
Common: Time/Date2JD
Common: Time/JD2000
Common: Time/JD2Date
Common: Time/JD2T
Common: Time/JDToMidnight
Common: Time/T2JD
Math: Linear/ColCompR
Math: Linear/DelLZ
Math: Linear/IsZero
Math: Linear/Mag
Math: Linear/RowCompU
Math: Linear/Unit
Math: MathUtils/R2P5
Math: Trigonometry/CosD
Math: Trigonometry/SinD

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