
Path: ACPro/ACEngine

% Jet engine analysis. 
 You can vary up to two of the parameters in p. You can get demos by typing

   JetEngineAnalysis( 'Ramjet' ), etc.

 If you enter JetEngineAnalysis( 'Ramjet', 1 ) it will echo the d and
 p structures.

 Engine parameters are in d and given below. You only need to enter
 parameters that are relevant to your engine. For example, ramjets
 don't require fan and compressor parameters.

 Turbojets and turbofans may have afterburners.

 This function is used to design engines. Once you have a design
 (possibly from an external source) use JetEnginePerformance to 
 study it at different throttle settings.

 Supported engines are:

   'Dual Exhaust Turbofan',
   'Mixed Flow Turbofan'

   [g, d, p, def] = = JetEngineAnalysis( p, d )

   p         (1,1) Performance parameters
                    See def or GasTurbineDefinitions.m
   d         (1,1) Engine data structure
                    See def or GasTurbineDefinitions.m
   echo      (1,1) Just return outputs

   g         (1,1) Output data structure
                    .fO            (n,m) Fuel/air ratio
                    .etaO          (n,m) Overall efficiency
                    .etaP          (n,m) Propulsive efficiency
                    .etaT          (n,m) Thermal efficiency
                    .fOverMDotA    (n,m) Specific force
                    .s             (n,m) Specific fuel consumption
                    .alpha         (n,m) Bypass ratio
                    .mDotOverA2    (n,m) Mass flow per unit area at the diffuser exit
                    .forceOverA2   (n,m) Force per unit area at the diffuser exit
                    .rhoU          (n,m) External airflow per unit area
   d         (1,1) Input data structure
   p         (1,1) Performance parameters
   def       (1,1) Definition data structure
                   .p    p parameters
                   .d    d parameters

   Reference: Mattingly, "Elements of Gas Turbine Propulsion,"
              McGraw-Hill, 1996.


ACPro: ACEngine/AOverAStar
ACPro: ACEngine/JetEngineDefinitions
ACPro: ACEngine/MachFromPR
ACPro: ACEngine/MassFlow
ACPro: ACEngine/MassFlowParameterR
ACPro: ACEngine/PlotGasTurbineData
ACPro: ACEngine/RamRecovery
ACPro: ACEngine/TempRatioFromMachAndGamma
AerospaceUtils: AeroData/AtmData
AerospaceUtils: AtmosphericCalculations/AtmGamma
Common: Atmosphere/RFromCPAndGamma
Common: Atmosphere/StdAtm
Common: CommonData/SwooshWatermark
Common: General/CellToMat
Common: General/DeleteCell
Common: General/MatToCell
Common: General/Watermark
Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Common: Graphics/PltStyle

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