Path: ACPro/ACDesign
% Design an aircraft. The function generates the group mass statement for the aircraft from the range, speed and altitude of the aircraft along with the number of passengers and the payload. The input is a data structure described below. The function fEngine is of the form [thrust, sfc] = MyEngine( mach, p ); where p is the datastructure from StdAtm. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: d = AircraftDesign( d, n, tol, p ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ d (1,1) Data structure .range (1,1) Aircraft range (km) .altitude (1,1) Cruise altitude (km) .machClimb (1,1) Climb and descent Mach .machCruise (1,1) Cruise Mach .runway (1,1) Runway length (m) .fPAClimb (1,1) Climb flight path angle (rad) .fEngine (1,:) Engine function .nEngine (1,1) Number of engines .tTaxi (1,1) Taxiing time (min) .nPassengers.economy (1,1) Number of passengers economy (1,1) Number of passengers business .nPassengers.first (1,1) Number of passengers first .fuselage.length (1,1) Fuselage length (m) .fuselage.diameter (1,1) Fuselage diameter (m) .nCrew (1,1) Number of flight crew .mass (1,1) Mass (kg) .nAttendants (1,1) Number of attendants .rhoFuel (1,1) Fuel density (kg/m^3) .specificMassTank (1,1) Fuel tank specific mass (kg/kg) .s (1,1) Wing area (m^2) .length (1,1) Wing chord (m) .aspectRatio (1,1) Wing aspect ratio .cLAlpha (1,1) Lift coefficient (1/rad) .thickness (1,1) Wing thickness ratio .lOverD (1,1) Lift/Drag n (1,1) Steps per segment tol (1,1) Tolerance for the mass computation (kg) p (1,1) Group mass datastructure - see AircraftGroupDataStructure ------- Outputs ------- d (1,1) Data structure --------------------------------------------------------------------------
AC: Aircraft/AircraftGroupDataStructure AC: Aircraft/AircraftGroupMass ACPro: ACDesign/AircraftGroupMassStatement ACPro: ACPerformance/FuelFromRange ACPro: ACProAerodynamics/LiftToDragFromMach ACPro: Airbreathing/Scimitar AerospaceUtils: AeroData/AtmData Common: Atmosphere/StdAtm Common: CommonData/SwooshWatermark Common: General/CellToMat Common: General/CreateLatexTable Common: General/MatToCell Common: General/Watermark Common: Graphics/NewFig Common: Graphics/Plot2D Common: Graphics/PltStyle Math: Trigonometry/TanD
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