
Path: ACPro/Airbreathing

% Mixed flow turbofan engine performance profile for p, h and v.

   A mixed flow turbofan is one in which the fan and core streams
   mix in the same nozzle. This model supports afterburning.
   This is the same code as in JetEnginePeformance but designed for
   a single input. The outputs are the same as RamjetH2. Only mks units
   are supported in this function.

   Type MixedFlowTurbofanProfile for a demo

   This function calls MixedFlowTurbofan

   Note that only ref.h0 need be entered for the atmospheric parameters.

   The following are computed from the Standard Atmosphere and AtmGamma
   as follows.

   q = StdAtm( ref.h0 );

   ref.p0        = q.pressure;
   ref.a0        = q.speedOfSound;
   ref.t0        = q.temperature;
   ref.rho       = q.density;
   ref.gammaC    = AtmGamma( ref.t0 );

   [t, tSFC] = MixedFlowTurbofanProfile( ref, p, h, v )

   ref         (1,1) Reference conditions
                     See MixedFlowTurbofan.m
   p           (1,1) Throttle settings
                     .afterburner   (1,:) Afterburner on == 1
                     .throttleRatio (1,:) Throttle ratio
                     .tT4           (1,:) Combustor temperature (K)     
                     .tT7           (1,:) Afterburner temperature (K) 
   h           (1,:) Altitude
   v           (1,:) Velocity

   t           (1,:)  Thrust (N/m^2)
   tSFC        (1,:)  Thrust specific fuel consumption (kg/N/s)

   Reference: Mattingly, "Elements of Gas Turbine Propulsion,"
              McGraw-Hill, 1996, 2005, p.551


ACPro: ACEngine/MachFromMassFlowParameter
ACPro: ACEngine/MachFromPR
ACPro: ACEngine/MassFlowParameterR
ACPro: ACEngine/RamRecovery
ACPro: ACEngine/TempRatioFromMachAndGamma
ACPro: Airbreathing/EngineExample
ACPro: Airbreathing/MixedFlowTurbofan
AerospaceUtils: AeroData/AtmData
AerospaceUtils: AtmosphericCalculations/AtmGamma
Common: Atmosphere/RFromCPAndGamma
Common: Atmosphere/StdAtm
Common: CommonData/SwooshWatermark
Common: General/CellToMat
Common: General/MatToCell
Common: General/Watermark
Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Common: Graphics/PltStyle

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