Path: ACPro/ACFlex
% Creates the flex model interfaces. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: d = BldFlex( g, useMode, rBase, bLocalToGlobal, zeta ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ g (:) Flex model data structure useMode (1,:) Modes to use rBase (3,1) Base location bLocalToGlobal (1,:) Name of model zeta (1,:) Modal damping ------- Outputs ------- d (:) Model data structure .nModes (1,1) Number of modes .name (1,:) Name of the component .k (n,n) Modal stiffness matrix .c (n,n) Modal damping matrix .iC (n,3) Modal coupling inertia matrix .fC (n,3) Force coupling matrix .phi (n,6) Transformation to modal coordinates --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Math: Linear/SkewSymm
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