Path: ACPro/ACDesign
% Computes missile weight. This is an alternative to AircraftGroupMassStatement that uses a different weight model. The model is based on R. Miller's model from MIT course 16.751. If you enter fileName it will create a file with a latex table. It is similar to HSVMassEstimation except that it uses range as an input and does not include landing gear. Not all values of parameters will produce a feasible design. If the weight goes to infinity you will need to adjust some of your parameters. See the demo for a working set of inputs. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: d = MissileMassEstimation; % Return default data structure [g, h] = MissileMassEstimation( d, tol, fileName ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ d (.) Data structure .massPayload (1,1) Mass of payload .dFuselage (1,1) Fuselage diameter (m) .lFuselage (1,1) Fuselage length (m) .wingLoading (1,1) Wing loading (kg/m^2) .structuralLF (1,1) Structural load factor .thicknessRatio (1,1) Thickness Ratio .sweepAngle (1,1) Sweep ratio .tipRootChordRatio (1,1) Tip Chord/Root Chord .aspectRatio (1,1) Aspect ratio .fuelStructuralFraction (1,1) Fuel to gross weight ratio .massEngine (1,1) Engine mass .fSMaterial (1,1) Factor to adjust for materials .range (1,1) Range (km) .vCruise (1,1) Cruise velocity (m/s) tol (1,1) Tolerance on computation fileName (1,:) Filename for the latex table (for one design) ------- Outputs ------- g (.) Data structure .gM (1,1) Gross mass .wing (1,1) Wing mass .fuselageWT (1,1) Fuselage mass .engineWT (1,1) Engine mass .fuelWT (1,1) Fuel mass .fixedEWT (1,1) Fixed equipment mass .empWT (!,1) Empanage mass .landingGear (1,1) Landing gear mass .payload (1,1) Payload mass .misc (1,1) Everything else h (.) Data structure .wingArea (1,1) Wing area .mF (1,1) Mass fueld --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ACPro: ACPerformance/FuelFromRange ACPro: ACProAerodynamics/LiftToDragFromMach ACPro: Airbreathing/Scimitar AerospaceUtils: AeroData/AtmData Common: Atmosphere/StdAtm Common: CommonData/SwooshWatermark Common: General/CellToMat Common: General/CreateLatexTable Common: General/MatToCell Common: General/Watermark Common: Graphics/NewFig Common: Graphics/Plot2D Common: Graphics/PltStyle
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