
Path: ACPro/ACProAerodynamics

% Computes drag coefficients for a vehicle using simple formulas. 
   You will have to call this routine for the wing, fuselage and tail
   separately using different characteristic lengths. The wing and tail use
   the mean chord and the fuselage uses the length.

   Altitude and mach must be the same length or altitude can be length 1.

   zetaTrans is a factor to prevent the form drag from becoming
   infinite at M = 1. The default produces a factor of 10 drag rise
   at M = 1.

   The default of the Oswald Efficiency factor is 0.95.

   The drag will be cD0 + kInduced*cL^2

   The supersonic and subsonic drag formulas are blending at M = 1.

   Type DragCoeff for a demo.

   If no output arguments are used it will plot the various components
   of drag.

   [cD0, kInduced, y] = DragCoeff( d, mach, p, cP )

   d               (.)   Aircraft parameters
                         .length      (1,1) Representative length (e.g. mean chord) (m)
                         .oswaldEff   (1,1) Oswald efficiency factor (optional)
                         .aspectRatio (1,1) Aspect ratio for wing (length/mean chord)
                         .thickness   (1,1) Ratio of length to thickness
                         .s           (1,1) Reference area
                         .zetaTrans   (1,1) Damping for transonic (optional)
                         .m1Peak      (1,1) Peak at M = 1 an alternative to zetaTrans
   mach           (1,n)  Mach number
   p               (.)   Standard atmosphere data structure
   cP             (1,1)  Parasitic drag coefficient

   cD0            (1,n) Zero lift drag coefficient
   kInduced	     (1,n) Drag induced due to lift
   y               (.)  Data structure output

   Reference: Miller, R. "16.751 Class Notes," MIT, 1977.
              Anderson, J. D., "Introduction to Flight 3rd Edition," 
              McGraw-Hill, 1989.


ACPro: ACProAerodynamics/CDSkinFriction
ACPro: ACProAerodynamics/FormDragCoeff
ACPro: ACProAerodynamics/InducedDragCoeff
ACPro: ACProAerodynamics/PrandtlGlauertCorrection
AerospaceUtils: AeroData/AtmData
Common: Atmosphere/StdAtm
Common: CommonData/SwooshWatermark
Common: General/CellToMat
Common: General/MatToCell
Common: General/Watermark
Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Common: Graphics/PltStyle
Math: Analysis/Logistic

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