Path: Common/Control

%  Create a discrete time system using a zero order hold and delay.

   Create a discrete time system from a continuous system
   assuming a zero-order-hold at the input with a delay.

   x = ax + bu
   y = cx

   Find f and g where

   x(k+1) = fx(k) + gu(k)
        y = cx(k) + du(k)

   The delay is defined as
   Td = l*T - m*T where l is always the least integer
   number of sampling periods greater than the delay.

   [f, g, c, d, l, m] = C2DZOHWD( a, b, c, T, Td )

   a                   Plant matrix
   b                   Input matrix
   c                   Output matrix
   T                   Time step
   Td                  The delay

   f                   Discrete plant matrix
   g                   Discrete input matrix
   c                   Output matrix
   d                   Feedthrough matrix
   l                   Number of integral period delays
   m                   Fractional delay

	References:   Franklin, G.F., J.D. Powell, M.L. Workman, Digital Control
               of Dynamic Systems, 2nd Edition, Addison-Wesley, 1990,
               pp. 56-61.

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