Common Module

Directory List

Atmosphere Classes CommonData
ComponentModels Control ControlGUI
Database DemoFuns Demos/Control
Demos/ControlGUI Demos/Database Demos/General
Demos/GeneralEstimation Demos/Graphics Demos/Help
Demos/Plugins Demos/UKF Estimation
FileUtils GUIs General
Graphics Interface MassProperties
Materials Plugins Quaternion
Reliability Time Transform


Computes R from cP and gamma.
Simplified atmosphere model.
Computes atmospheric density based on the standard atmosphere model.

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Computes the transpose of a matrix.
Gets the matrix equivalent of a transmat.
Returns a transformation matrix.
Multiplies an object of type quaternion times a quaternion or a vector.
Create an object of class quat. You can input:
Returns the scalar part of a quaternion.
Returns the vector part of a quaternion.
Append two state space system
Close the loop on a statespace control system.
Connection of two state space systems. The connection is
Get the eigenvalues of a statespace system.
Gets the matrix equivalent of a transmat.
Get the state space matrices
Get the state space matrices
Determine if x is an empty statespace system.
Multiplies an object of type quaternion times a quaternion or a vector.
Parallel connection of two state space systems.
Set an element of the class statespace
Create a state space object. Everything after c is optional.
Computes the transpose of a matrix.
Gets the matrix equivalent of a transmat.
Multiplies an object of type quaternion times a quaternion or a vector.
Converts an input of type transmat to type quat.
Create an object of class transMat.

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AtmData.txtData for the standard atmosphere
Constants.matStandard constants.
DoubleIntegrator.matStatespace model of a double integrator
EarthMapData.matData for generating Earth maps
ImageSCBus.matSample spacecraft image with Earth background
PSSLogo.tifPSS Logo
Purr.matpurr sound file
SampleSimOutput.txtDefault simulation output for use with QuickPlot.
Sosumi.matSosumi sound file
a.matSample data for merging databases.
b.matSample data for merging databases.
glass.matglass sound file
sphere.objOBJ file of a sphere for testing.

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Aggregate CAD component vertices and faces.
Generate a box centered at the origin.
Generate a box with a rounded section.
Compute the vertices for a cone.
Generates a cylinder with a hemisphere on one end instead of a flat disk.
Generate a disk.
Generate an object from cross sections.
Extrude from a radial profile.
Generate a frustrum of a cone.
Get vertices for surfaces of revolution, ellipsoids and cylinders
Generate an icosahedron inscribed in a unit sphere.
Create a mesh ellipsoid.
Generate an open frame
Generate a parabolic reflector
Generate vertices and faces for a full or partial disk
Generate a plate in the xy plane.
Generate a ring with specified inner and outer wall, and length.
Compute faces and vertices for a sector patch.
Generate strut going from x1 to x2.
Generate a variable radius strut going from x1 to x2.
Draws a torus
Generate a solid triangle.
Generate a triangular truss going from x1 to x2.
Generate a square truss going from x1 to x2.
Generate a tube with specified inner and outer wall, and length.
Generate a portion of a tube with an inner and outer wall.
Generate a tube with specified inner and outer wall, and length.
Generate a tube with bends
Generate a tube through the points p.
Generate a box with a u cut at the +x end.
Generate a wedge between x1 and x2.

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Generic a sensor or actuator model.
Gains for poles using Ackermann's formula.
Computes the fundamental alias of a frequency.
Implements the overlapping Allan Variance
Appends two state space systems.
Compute the balanced realization of a, b, c, d.
Computes a balanced realization of g.
Computes the phase using the Bode gain phase rule.
Create a discrete time system using a first order hold.
Create a discrete time system assuming a pulse at the input.
Create a discrete time system using a zero order hold.
Create a discrete time system using a zero order hold and delay.
Create a discrete time systems using the delta operator.
Create a continuous Butterworth Filter.
Generate CCV (control configured vehicle) aircraft model.
Compute the controllability gramian for a continuous time system.
Generates different control inputs.
Computes the closed loop poles.
Creates a closed loop system.
Create a discrete time compensator from a continuous time compensator.
Convert continuous noise process to a discrete noise process.
Create a SISO compensator using a variety of compensator elements.
Compute a balanced realization for discrete time systems.
Generates a Bode plot for a discrete time system.
Computes the DC gain of a discrete time state space system.
Compute the controllability gramian for a discrete time system.
Compute the observability gramian for a discrete time system.
Create an optimal estimator.
Create a quadratic regulator.
Solves the discrete matrix Riccati equation.
Create a model of a delay using Pade approximants for exp(-sT).
Implement a digital filter.
Display a statespace system using vertical bar charts.
Apply eigenvector and eigenvalue assignment.
Apply eigenvector assignment using the Draper method.
Use eigenvector assignment to design a controller.
Use eigevector assignment to design an estimator.
Create the design matrix for the eigenstructure assignment technique.
Evaluate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors graphically.
Plot the energy in a signal.
Fractional order PID controller.
Compute the frequency response of the system given a, b, c and d.
Compute the frequency response given the statespace class as input.
Plot the frequency response of the system in Bode or Nichols form.
Find peaks of the inputs by looking at slopes.
Compute the frequency response given a numerator/denominator pair.
Computes gain and phase margins from magnitude and phase.
Compute the multivariable frequency response of the system.
Creates a second order transfer function.
Generate a response to an initial condition vector.
Creates a general integrator.
Computes the inverse system.
Linear quadratic regulator with an output feedback cost function.
Output feedback design with a reference input.
Output feedback design with a reference input.
Mechanizes a Kalman Filter fixed interval smoother.
Compute the Kronecker product.
Compute the Kronecker sum.
Perform low frequency prebalancing of a system.
Design a quadratic controller.
Create a lead or lag.
Limits a matrix.
Mean squared response of a system.
Compute the magnitude frequency response of a system.s
Creates state-space model from numerator and denominator polynomials.
Implements a nonlinear fixed gain filter.
Computes the variance for various types of roundoff.
Creates a second order transfer function.
Computes a numerical transfer function from the impulse response.
Generate a Nyquist plot from a statespace object or gain/phase data.
Compute the observability gramian for a continuous time system.
A proportional controller
Design a PD controller.
Compute the principal gains for a system.
Design a PID controller.
Produces a state space n degree of freedom PID controller.
Compute proper and non-proper transfer functions for a PID.
Creates a PID controller with lag compensation.
Design a PI controller.
Design a leaky PI controller.
Create a model of a pulsewidth modulator using Padé approximants.
Parallel connects two state space models.
Implements a phase plane controller.
Print eigenvalues to the command window.
Propagate a state space model.
Create an estimator from a state space system.
Creates a linear quadratic regulator from a state space system.
Quantizes a matrix using user defined rounding.
Solves the matrix Riccati equation.
Generate the root locus for s SISO system.
Sort columns of roots for Root Locus.
Computes the Routhian array for a polynomial.
Eigenvalues to damping and natural frequency.
Transform an s-plane transfer function into the z-plane.
Solves the matrix Riccati equation
Converts from state space to numerator denominator form.
Creates an empty state space system.
Computes state space matrices from a nonlinear function.
Computes the maximum and minimum singular values.
Extract selected states from a state space model.
Generates a shaping filter with notches and first order roll off.
Checks the dimensions of the set a, b for consistency.
Checks the dimensions of the set a,b,c,d for consistency.
Checks the dimensions of the set a, c for consistency.
Propagates state equations.
Determine the steady state control for a state space system.
Generate a step response of a state space system.
Compute the time response of a state-space system.
Generates torque transmission plots.
Computes the transmission zeros of a plant
Frequency vector with complex poles and zeros.
Creates a frequency vector with points around resonances.
Implements anti windup compensation.
Z domain to s domain damping and natural frequency.
Transform an z-plane transfer function into the s-plane.
Generates the frequency response for a digital filter.
Create a model of a zero-order-hold using Padé approximants.
Add an outer loop for a controller.
Assemble a block given the data structure
Assemble a plant given a model described by gIn.
Create a BlockDiagram GUI plug in.
Design control systems using a GUI.
Create dual lists.
Create an Eigenstructure GUI plug in.
Produce an empty data structure used by the control functions
Produce an empty data structure used by the control functions
Create an LQ plug in for the ControlDesignGUI.
Create an MapIO plug in for the ControlDesignGUI.
Create a ModalReduction plug in for the ControlDesignGUI.
Transform the system a,b,c,d into modal form
Create an Model GUI plug in.
Retain modes k of the system a,b,c,d.
Retain states k of the system a,b,c,d
Create a model order reduction GUI plug in.
Create a list of SISO elements for use by control design tools.
Create an SISO GUI plug in.

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Add an outer loop for a controller.
Assemble a block given the data structure
Assemble a plant given a model described by gIn.
Create a BlockDiagram GUI plug in.
Design control systems using a GUI.
Create dual lists.
Create an Eigenstructure GUI plug in.
Produce an empty data structure used by the control functions
Produce an empty data structure used by the control functions
Create an LQ plug in for the ControlDesignGUI.
Create an MapIO plug in for the ControlDesignGUI.
Create a ModalReduction plug in for the ControlDesignGUI.
Transform the system a,b,c,d into modal form
Create an Model GUI plug in.
Retain modes k of the system a,b,c,d.
Retain states k of the system a,b,c,d
Create a model order reduction GUI plug in.
Create a list of SISO elements for use by control design tools.
Create an SISO GUI plug in.

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Build the constant database.
Outputs the value of a constant or opens a GUI for searching.
GUI to output the value of a constant. q must be an exact match.
Merges b into a using a GUI. The new file is saved as "NewDB.mat".

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Right hand side for a double integrator.
Nonlinear estimator spring model. Used by CDKFDemo.
A linear measurement.
Angle measurement from a fixed height object.
Nonlinear estimator measurement spring model
Spring measurement
Right hand side for a spring.
Models a double integrator.
Models a double integrator and a bias.
Models a double integrator and a bias.
Right hand side for a double integrator.
Nonlinear estimator spring model.
Right hand side for a spring.
Right-hand-side for a rigid body.
Computes the right hand side for a linear spring.
Right-hand-side for a cubic spring.
Right hand side for a one dimensional vertical motion simulation.

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Demonstrate eigenvector assignment using a CCV Model.
Put a series of compensators on a double integrator.
Demonstrate full state feedback.
Test a match filter's ability to find a pulse.
Demonstrate model matching control using a single integrator plant.
Compare the closed-loop response of a linear system
Shows the difference between a PWM and a ZOH.
Design and demonstrate a controller using QCR
Simple controller.
Demonstrates how to implement a digital filter.
Designs noise filters and simulates them to show how they attenuate white noise.
PID Controller for a double integrator.
Demonstrates the effect of integrator windup and how to fix it.
Demonstrate fixed interval smoothing using a Kalman Filter
Inner/Outer control loop test.

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Inner/Outer control loop test.

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Demonstrate the Constant database.

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Demonstrate UIElement and other controls.
Demonstrate the continuous discrete iterated Kalman Filter.
Extended Kalman filter for a nonlinear spring.
IMM test using a Continuous Wiener process acceleration (CWPA) model.
Frequency response for a Kalman filter with an oscillator as the model.
Discrete time Kalman filter for a nonlinear spring.
Nonlinear estimator spring simulation.
Discrete time Kalman filter
Demonstrate the Kalman Filter using UD factorization.
Simulate a UKF and EKF with a nonlinear spring example.
Unscented Kalman filter for a nonlinear spring.
Demonstrate UKF parameter estimation with a nonlinear spring example.

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Demonstrate the continuous discrete iterated Kalman Filter.
Extended Kalman filter for a nonlinear spring.
IMM test using a Continuous Wiener process acceleration (CWPA) model.
Frequency response for a Kalman filter with an oscillator as the model.
Discrete time Kalman filter for a nonlinear spring.
Nonlinear estimator spring simulation.
Discrete time Kalman filter
Demonstrate the Kalman Filter using UD factorization.
Simulate a UKF and EKF with a nonlinear spring example.
Unscented Kalman filter for a nonlinear spring.
Demonstrate UKF parameter estimation with a nonlinear spring example.

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Visualization and animation of 3D vector data
Examples of generating colors for plots
Demonstrate real-time plots
Examples of 2D plotting in the toolbox
Demonstrates the TimeGUI plugin in a loop.

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Demonstrate the online file help

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Telemetry Demo

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A UKF for estimating position, velocity and accelerometer bias.
Simulate a UKF with a nonlinear spring example.
Demonstrate UKF parameter estimation with a nonlinear spring example.
Demonstrate UKF parameter estimation with a rigid body.
Demo of Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoothing for an Unscented Kalman Filter.

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Angle sensor.
Continuous discrete iterated extended Kalman Filter.
Continuous Wiener process acceleration (CWPA) model.
Extended Kalman Filter prediction step.
Extended Kalman Filter measurement update step.
Jacobian of RHSUKF.
Iterated Extended Kalman Filter measurement update step.
Interactive Multiple Models prediction step.
Interactive Multiple Models update step.
Initializes Kalman Filter data structures for the KF, UKF, EKF and IEKF.
Linear Kalman Filter prediction step.
Linear Kalman Filter measurement update step.
Mechanizes one step of a Kalman Filter with a forgetting factor
Combine forward and backward covariances and states.
Computes nonlinear spring measurement
Computes nonlinear spring measurement partial derivative
Nonlinear estimator spring model.
Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoothing
UKF sigma points using chol.
Makes a square matrix symmetric by adding its transpose and dividing
Implements a Kalman filter using UD factorization.
Implement an Unscented Kalman Filter.
Implement an Unscented Kalman Filter for parameter estimation.
Unscented Kalman Filter state prediction step.
Rauch-Tung-Striebel smoothing for an Unscented Kalman Filter.
Unscented Kalman Filter transform.
Unscented Kalman Filter measurement update step.
Unscented Kalman Filter weights.
Implement an Unscented Kalman Filter in UD (upper diagonal) form.

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Find a list of files in the directory who have been modified after
Save the file at the path of the calling function.
Returns the path to a directory.
Find all files that contain a specified string.
Find the files required by a function or a script in order to run
Finds all instances of the string z in directory d.
Return the first line of code for a m-file.
Make line endings consistent with the platform.
Get the root name of a file (without the .xxx)
Get the suffix of a file, i.e. the xxx of
Finds all files in the directory d.
Gets the modification date.
Determine whether a file is a function or script.
Open a file using a GUI if it is not specified.
Generate a cell array list of all directories in the Matlab path.
Removes the 'Contents.m' file from a cell array of file names

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Creates a dialog which requires a string as an answer.
User-interface to manage figure windows.
% GUI to find occurrences of a text string in m-files on your MATLAB path.
GUI for setting interface colors.
Create an information dialog that will be dismissed by a script.
Produce a new figure with just a legend of colors and names.
Message log. Keeps an ordered, scrollable set of messages.
Creates a message queue GUI. Once opened, it stays open.
Displays an estimate of time to go, compatible with ode113.
Selection GUI.
Set the dimensions of the figure when copied or printed.
GUI for stopping scripts. Has Pause, Stop, and Plot buttons.
Create a tab box from plug-ins.
Perform actions specified by the time display.
Displays an estimate of time to go.
A GUI displaying the time remaining and estimated completion time.
Computes the time left to go in the simulation, the predicted finish

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Add an item to a uicontrol listbox.
Add a local directory to the path and return to the current directory.
Determines if the string is all capital letters.
Converts an array a s function string.
Assign either a string or function handle depending on the MATLAB version.
Consumer Price Index adjustment.
Convert a structure into a cell array where columns of the array
Converts a cell array to a matrix.
Find a position array that centers a figure
Change the path
Close a figure
Close h if it is a handle to a figure.
Closes every file not listed in kOpenPre.
Close a UIElement.
Outputs the size of each column of a cell array.
Convert Fortran formats to C. Specifically A, I, D, E, F are converted.
Creates an HTML table from x.
Creates a LaTeX table from x.
Creates a table from x for displaying to the command line.
Delete all blanks
Delete leading and trailing blanks.
Display a message to help debugging.
Delete a cell element of a one dimensional cell array.
Delete the selected item from a list.
Close h if it is a handle
Deletes the .xxx part of a name.
Converts a directory list into a cell array.
Display a variable with a title.
Displays a LaTeX table.
Implement a scrollable edit window
Returns one if a and b are identical.
This routine implements the flight software clock.
Generates fractals.
Get Function Names
Gets the last uicontrol that was hit.
Gets the input from a vector of graphics handles and determines
Generates an output from a string.
Get an element from a list uicontrol.
Get a new tag to uniquely identify a figure.
Get certain properties of UIElements.
Returns 1 if a licensed optimization toolbox is in your path
Computes U.S. inflation.
Converts an integer to binary [lsb msb] in two's complement.
Determine if a field exists and is not empty.
Checks to see if the version of MATLAB is after n
Checks to see if the version of Matlab is before n
Creates a latex exponential string
Converts a number into a string using latex notation.
Creates a LaTeX table from s.
List the switch cases that are included in a given file.
List the functions that are called from a given file.
List the member functions that are included in a given function/file.
List all parents of a function. Search inside given folder.
Log base b
Converts a string matrix to a cell array.
Convert a cell array of p x p matrices into a 3D matrix.
Display a matrix using the format f
Converts a matrix to a one line string.
Print a title with --- under and above.
Code used to process tags for sensors and actuators.
Create radio buttons.
Returns 1 if the data structure g has the required fields in r
Save a MATLAB movie.
Save a structure in a file. You will be able to read it in by typing
Set certain properties of UIElements
Sort a nxm cell array by the values in the first column.
Generates steps for any number of inputs. Since version 10.
In a matrix with each row a string finds the first matching string.
Finds which elements of sA match s
Finds the first token in a string
Converts a string to a list of tokens.
Convert a structure into a cell array.
Write data structure to a text file or command line display.
Creates a list of structures and variables.
Interface to PSS and Mathworks UI.
Returns the time if valid.
Manages the wait bar.
Add a watermark to a figure.
This function found on Mathworks website as a bug-fix for MATLAB 7.
Give the length of a file in bytes.

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Adds x,y,z coordinate axes to a figure.
Add mode changes to a plot.
Find mode changes in data and draw as filled sections on existing plots.
Add view accelerators to a figure.
Add zoom-in (CTRL+I) and zoom-out (CTRL+O) accelerators to a figure.
Draw a patch showing the inner angle between two vectors.
Draw a cube given its dimensions.
Animate one or more time-varying vectors.
Animate a set of 2xN or 3xN matrices over N steps.
Draws a 3D arrow into an existing figure
Choose n colors from around the RGB color wheel.
Draw attitude coordinates.
Draw axes on the current plot with X, Y, Z, text labels.
Adjust 3D axes properties.
Equalize the axes with a minimum relative size for the smallest axis.
Creates a bar plot of x.
This function creates a GUI for manipulating the camera view.
Compute a centroid from a set of vertices.
Compute x y data for a 2-D Circle.
Generates a gray scale colormap with 256 entries.
Produce a set of 3-element RGB colors that spread across the colormap.
Converts the Wavefront OBJ color format to MATLAB.
Creates a figure with x,y,z coordinates at the origin.
Draw a disk.
Rescales distances
Draw a CAD model stored in the toolbox CAD format.
Draw fields of view.
Draws an image in a figure window
Draw a sphere with specified latitude and longitude lines.
Creates and draws a tree diagram.
Draw and object from vertices in a figure window using patch.
Generates an ellipsoid using the equation
Graphical interface to create a polygon.
This function displays an image file and overlays text boxes.
Finds the vector giving the intersection
Labels a line.
Creates 2 or 3 axis labels
Add a title to the current legend.
Create a legend with a title.
Plot the location of points
Given a frequency vector, find the logarithm of the frequency
Draws a 2 or 3 dimensional map of a planet.
Draws mesh plots with axis labels.
Generate a 3DMF for a mesh. This function will append ".t3d" to the file.
Create a polygonal mesh from a surface of revolution.
Convert a mesh to a patch.
NPlot generates a plot on which the ylabels are character strings.
Creates a new figure.
Compute a normal from a set of vertices using the Newell method.
Create a GUI with playback controls.
Easily build a versatile 2D plot page consisting of any number of plots.
Create a 3-dimensional plot.
Plot a 3 vector as x, y, z subplots as well as a combined plot.
Plot one or more angular ranges on a unit circle
Manage a set of arrays for plotting simulation data.
Generate [r, g, b] for an index k = 1 to 100.
Generates a plot with two y axes.
Create any number of plot pages in one call. Utilizes Plot2D.
Create two-dimensional plots from a data set.
Draws plots of a set of 3*m-by-n vectors in 3D axes.
Edit this to globally change the plot styles for the plot labels
Generate the properties for a polygon given vertices in the form v(3,n).
Polygon properties from vertex and face data.
With an input in meters give a reasonable output scale
Prints specified figures to a printer or files.
Plot real time
Renames a figure title.
Sets default fonts
Display three images
Create a slider in a new figure with continuous calls to callback.
Sort figure windows by cascading them.
Draw a splash screen.
Draw a 3D covariance display in real-time.
Draw text in a box
Prints labels on a graph using text with toolbox style settings.
Time history plots
Produce time labels and scaled time vectors
Generates a time label given the maximum value of t and rescales t.
Creates a title using the toolbox style settings.
Generates a tree diagram.
Adds vantage points to an existing plot.
With an input in meters/s give a reasonable output scale
View a plane of a 3D plot or standard cartesian view.
Creates an xlabel using the toolbox style settings
Creates a ylabel using the toolbox style settings
Creates a zlabel using the toolbox style settings

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Export two dimensional matrices to a file that can be read by pss_matrix.
Reads data from a simulation log file.
Plots output data from external simulations.
Read in tabular data in .csv file and convert it to a structure array.
An example s-function that interfaces mfiles to Simulink.
Prints attitude data to STK-formatted file
Prints orbit data to STK-formatted file.
Write a set of variables to a VC flat file (comma-separated with header).
Write a matrix for use in a C or C++ program.

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Add mass properties.
Convert an inertia matrix from a 1x6 to a 3x3 format.
Computes an inertia matrix from an obj file or data structure.
Computes inertias of common objects about their c.m.
Compute inertia, mass and center of mass for a collection of rigid bodies.
Computes a mass properties data structure from an obj file.
Compute inertia, volume and center of mass of a uniform tetrahedron.
Create a mass data structure.
Computes the principal axes for an inertia matrix.
Computes mass properties for a component defined by vertices and faces.
Computes volumes of common objects about their c.m.

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Outputs atomic mass.
Thermal capacity for a gas as a function of temperature.
Returns gas properties.
Returns Poisson's ratio.

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Create a detection filter gains GUI plug in used by DetectionFilterBuilder.
Create and manages a hierarchical list. Each element of the list is
Create the Normalize GUI plug in used by DetectionFilterBuilder.
Plot a variable number of points. The function is called as:
Create a Simulate GUI plug in used by DetectionFilterBuilder.
Create an StateSpace GUI plug in used by DetectionFilterBuilder.
Generates a GUI with a set of telemetry pages.
This GUI plots telemetry files previously saved by Telemetry.
Plot real time data in a single window.
Create a time GUI plug in.

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Convert an angle and a unit vector to a quaternion.
Animate the evolution of 2 quaternions over time.
Animate the evolution of a quaternion over time.
Finds the derivative of a transformation matrix in terms of quaternions
Angular rate from small quaternion changes.
Converts a transformation matrix to a quaternion.
Convert a quaternion to an angle and a unit vector.
Converts a quaternion to 3-2-1 Euler angles.
Converts a quaternion to a transformation matrix.
Creates a quaternion based on a pure rotation about the any axis.
Computes the quaternion derivative from angular velocity.
Small angle errors between two quaternions.
Transforms a vector in the direction of the quaternion.
Computes a quaternion from a base quaternion and delta quaternion.
Multiply two quaternions.
Transpose of a quaternion.
Generates random quaternions.
Transforms a vector opposite the direction of the quaternion.
Unitizes a quaternion.
Outputs the zero quaternion, [1;0;0;0]
Converts an angle vector into a quaternion.
Finds the quaternion that aligns a unit vector with a second vector.

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Determine the reliability of a system
Determine the reliability of a parallel system
Determine the reliability of a series system

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Computes the date from the day number and year. January 1 is day 1.
Computes the Julian Date from the day number and year.
Converts a day number string to a date.
Converts the date time array to the date time structure
Converts the date time structure to the date time array
Compute the day number from the date. Uses the format from clock.
Computes the fractional year from the date.
Compute the Julian Date from the date.
Convert a date string to Julian date. The date string
Computes the difference between UT1 and TT based on the Julian date.
Finds the Julian Date for solstices and equinoxes.
Returns the Julian Date for J2000.0 0d 0h UT
Compute an array of Julian dates from an epoch.
Compute the day number from Julian date.
Compute the calendar date from the Julian date. Uses the format
Computes the day of the week from Julian day number.
Converts Julian date to Modified Julian Date
Converts Julian days to centuries from J2000.0
Convert Julian Date to the form '04/20/2000 00:00:00'
Converts a Julian date to the nearest midnight.
Determines if a year is a leap year
Compute the Julian Date from the local time.
Compute the Julian Date from the local time.
Converts Modified Julian Date to Julian date.
Convert seconds to days hours/min/seconds and produces a string.
Provides the system time to the software.
Converts Julian centuries from J2000.0 to days
Converts Terrestrial atomic time to Terrestrial dynamic time
Converts barycentric dynamical time
Converts Terrestrial (dynamic) time to Terrestrial atomic time
Converts terrestrial dynamic time to barycentric dynamical time.
Converts TT (Terrestrial (dynamic) Time) to UT1
Convert a time string to Julian date. The time string
Converts UT1 (time scale based on the rotation of the earth)
Converts years in fractional form, e.g. 1993.5 to T

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Convert an angle and a unit vector to a matrix.
Computes the altitude above an ellipsoidal planet.
Converts cartesian coordinates to spherical.
Computes a transformation matrix from the frame
Convert degrees, minutes and seconds to radians
Convert degrees, minutes and seconds to radians.
Convert degrees to degrees, minutes and seconds.
Convert radians to hours, minutes and seconds
Converts 3-2-1 Euler angles into an orthonormal transformation matrix.
Converts 3-2-1 Euler angles to a quaternion
Converts 3-2-1 Euler angle rates into angular velocity.
Convert hours, minutes and seconds to degrees.
Convert hours, minutes and seconds to radians.
Transform a 6x1 compact inertia vector into a 3x3 inertia matrix.
Transform a a 3x3 inertia matrix into 6x1 compact inertia vector.
Converts an orthonormal transformation matrix into 3-2-1 Euler angles.
Computes the transformation matrix from an r, phi, theta frame
Converts right ascension and declination to unit vectors.
Convert radians to degrees, minutes and seconds
Convert radians to hours, minutes and seconds
Converts angular velocity into 3-2-1 Euler angle rates. If only one
Generates a rotation matrix that transforms in the opposite direction
Converts spherical coordinates to cartesian.
Recompute the moment of inertia "i" by translating axes.
Computes a unit vector offset from v2 with origin at v1.
Converts apparent visual magnitude to intensity in watts/m^2.

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