
Path: Common/MassProperties

% Computes inertias of common objects about their c.m. 
 All objects have their axis of symmetry about z. 
 If you enter a thickness with 'cylinder', 'box' or 'sphere' it will
 automatically compute the hollow versions. 

 The output is in the form:

 [ixx iyy izz ixy ixz iyz] 

 If four arguments are entered it outputs a 3 by 3 matrix.

   inr = Inertias( m, x, type, matType )

   m 		      (1,1) Mass
   x 		            Relevant dimensions
   type                Type of solid
                       'sphere'          x = [radius]
                       'box'             x = [xLength, yLength, zLength]
                       'plate'           x = [xLength, yLength]
                       'disk'            x = [radius]
                       'cylinder'        x = [radius, zLength] 
                       'ellipsoid'       x = [a b c]
                       'hollow cylinder' x = [outer radius, zLength, thickness]
                       'hollow box'      x = [xLength, yLength, zLength, thickness]
                       'hollow sphere'   x = [radius, thickness]
   matType       (1,1) Any argument causes the routine to return a 3x3 matrix

   inr     (1,6)   Inertia matrix



Common: MassProperties/IC623X3

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