
Path: Common/Graphics

% Generates a plot with two y axes.
 yL and yR must be 1 by n arrays. x must be 1 by n. If yL is more than
 one line and the yR has the same number of lines it will match the line

 Type PlotDoubleYAxis for a demo.
   [hR, hL] = PlotDoubleYAxis( x, yL, yR, xLabel, yLabelL, yLabelR, title, name, tL, tR )

   x         (1,:) x data
   yL        (1,:) Left y axis data
   yR        (1,:) Right y axis data
   xLabel    (1,:) x label
   yLabelL   (1,:) Left y label
   yLabelR   (1,:) Right y label
   title     (1,:) Figure title
   name      (1,:) Figure name
   tL        (1,:) Type of right plot 'lin', 'ylog'
   tR        (1,:) Type of right plot 'lin', 'ylog'

   hR        (1,1) Handle to right plot
   hL        (1,1) Handle to left plot



Common: CommonData/SwooshWatermark
Common: General/DeBlankLT
Common: General/Watermark
Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Graphics/PltStyle
Common: Graphics/TitleS
Common: Graphics/XLabelS
Common: Graphics/YLabelS

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