Path: Common/Graphics
% Display three images If x, y or z are 2 dimensional ColorMapGrayScale is used for the color mapping. Type ShowThreeImages for a demo -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [h,hX,hY,hZ,s] = ShowThreeImages( x, y, z, title ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ x (n,m,3 or 1) uint8 (0 - 255) or double (0 - 1) RGB image 1 y (n,m,3 or 1) uint8 (0 - 255) or double (0 - 1) RGB image 2 z (n,m,3 or 1) uint8 (0 - 255) or double (0 - 1) RGB image 3 ------- Outputs ------- h (1,1) Figure handle hX (1,1) X figure axes handle hY (1,1) Y figure axes handle hZ (1,1) X figure axes handle s (1,1) Image scaling -------------------------------------------------------------------------- See also image, ColorMapGrayScale --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common: CommonData/ImageSCBus Common: Graphics/ColorMapGrayScale
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