
Path: Common/Graphics

% Time history plots
 Creates a set of plots, one for each row of yL. t is assumed to be in seconds.
 It will automatically scale time units. If yList is entered you can have
 multiple plots per axis. yList must be the same size as yL leg adds legends.
 It must be in the for {{} {}} where there is one cell array per plot.

 Type TimeHistory for a demo.
   [hFig] = TimeHistory( t, y, yL, figTitle, yList, leg )

   t       	(1,:)	Time (s)
   y       	(n,:)	Y values
   yL       	{m,1}	Y-axis labels
   figTitle	(1,:)	Figure title
   yList     {m,1}	Plots per figure
   leg       {m,1}	Legend

   hFig      (1,1) Figure handle
   hL        (:,1) Line handles

   See also Plot2D, TimeLabl


Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Graphics/TimeLabl
Common: Graphics/TitleS
Common: Graphics/XLabelS
Common: Graphics/YLabelS

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