Path: Common/Control
% Compute proper and non-proper transfer functions for a PID. Compute proper and non-proper transfer functions for a set of PID gains Call with no inputs to use default data for a demo. Call with no outputs to produce a plot. The transfer function from u to y is of the form: KD s u y = KP u + ---- u + KI --- s + wR s Notice that with smaller wR, the proper transfer function matches the original PID (non-proper) transfer function over a higher frequency range. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: data = PIDProper( KP, KI, KD, gamma ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ KP (1,1) Proportional gain KI (1,1) Integral gain KD (1,1) Derivative gain wR (1,1) Derivative roll-off term w (1,:) Frequency vector. Optional, default: logspace(-3,2) ------- Outputs ------- data (.) Data structure with fields: - num Numerator of proper TF - den Denominator of non-proper TF - numNP Numerator of proper TF - denNP Denominator of non-proper TF - a A matrix of proper statespace - b B matrix of proper statespace - c C matrix of proper statespace - d D matrix of proper statespace - mag Magnitude response of proper TF - phase Magnitude response of proper TF - magNP Magnitude response of proper TF - phaseNP Magnitude response of proper TF --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common: CommonData/SwooshWatermark Common: Control/FResp Common: Control/FRespPlot Common: Control/GND Common: Control/GSS Common: Control/ND2SS Common: Control/S2Damp Common: Control/SS2ND Common: Control/SizeABCD Common: Control/TrnsZero Common: Control/WPZ Common: Control/WReson Common: Control/ZFresp Common: General/CellToMat Common: General/MatToCell Common: General/Watermark Common: Graphics/LogLimit Common: Graphics/NewFig Common: Graphics/Plot2D Common: Graphics/PltStyle Common: Graphics/TextS Math: Linear/ColCompR Math: Linear/DelLZ Math: Linear/IsZero Math: Linear/RowCompU
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