Path: Common/ComponentModels
% Generate a box with a u cut at the +x end. Type UChannel for a demo. With no outputs UChannel will draw your object. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [v, f] = UChannel( x, y, z, t, d, b ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ x (1,1) x length y (1,1) y length z (1,1) z length t (1,1) Flange thickness d (1,1) Depth of cut in x b (3,3) Transformation matrix (Default is eye(3)) ------- Outputs ------- v (16,3) Vertices f (12,3) Faces --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common: CommonData/SwooshWatermark Common: ComponentModels/Box Common: General/DeBlankLT Common: General/Watermark Common: Graphics/DrawVertices Common: Graphics/NewFig Common: Graphics/PltStyle Common: Graphics/XLabelS Common: Graphics/YLabelS Common: Graphics/ZLabelS Math: Linear/Mag
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