Path: Common/Plugins
% Plot a variable number of points. The function is called as: PlotPlugIn( 'initialize', g, hFig ); PlotPlugIn( 'add points', tag, struct('y',y,'t',t) ); PlotPlugIn( 'plot', tag ) PlotPlugIn( 'update labels', tag, g ) All data is stored in g so this function may be called multiple times. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: tag = PlotPlugIn( action, modifier, hFig, position ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ action (1,:) Action modifier (1,:) Modifier to the action. 'initialize' .xLabel {:} Cell array with x labels .yLabel {:} Cell array with y labels .n (1,1) Number of plot points .title {:} Title for each plot 'add points' tag hFig (1,1) 'initialize' Figure handle 'add points' .x(:,1) .y(:,1) ------- Outputs ------- g (:) Data structure --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common: General/CloseFigure Common: General/DeBlankLT Common: General/IsVersionAfter Common: General/SaveStructure Common: General/StringToTokens Common: Graphics/PltStyle Common: Graphics/XLabelS Common: Graphics/YLabelS
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