
Path: Common/Control

% Compute the magnitude frequency response of a system.s
   Compute the magnitude frequency response of the system
   x = ax + bu
   y = cx + du

   for the input vector iu, and output vector iy. If no output arguments
   are given it will automatically display Bode plots for all channels.
   [mag, io, w] = MagPlot( a, b, c, d, iu, iy, w )
   [mag, io, w] = MagPlot( num, den, w )

   a                   Plant matrix
   b                   Input matrix
   c                   Measurement matrix
   d                   Input feedthrough matrix
   iu                  Inputs  ( = 0, or [] for all)
   iy                  Outputs ( = 0, or [] all)
   w                   Frequency vector

   mag                 Magnitude vector
   io                  Input/output vector per plot [input,output;...]
   w                   Frequencies computed



Common: CommonData/SwooshWatermark
Common: Control/FResp
Common: Control/GND
Common: Control/GSS
Common: Control/ND2SS
Common: Control/S2Damp
Common: Control/SS2ND
Common: Control/SizeABCD
Common: Control/TrnsZero
Common: Control/WPZ
Common: Control/WReson
Common: Control/ZFresp
Common: General/CellToMat
Common: General/MatToCell
Common: General/Watermark
Common: Graphics/LogLimit
Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Common: Graphics/PltStyle
Common: Graphics/TextS
Math: Linear/ColCompR
Math: Linear/DelLZ
Math: Linear/IsZero
Math: Linear/RowCompU

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