WindTurbine Module |
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CLAlpha | ---- |
ComputeAirfoilCoeff | Computes lift, drag and moment coefficients. |
ComputeCoeffFromShape | Computes lift, drag and moment coefficients for an airfoil. |
LoadAirfoilFile | Loads an airfoil file with the file extension .af |
BEMHAWT | Torque produced by a wind turbine rotor using Glauert |
BEMVAWT | Two dimensional blade element model for a VAWT. |
CustomPC2 | Custom Pitch Control Algorithm |
OffsetPC | Offset Pitch Control Algorithm |
SinePC | Sine Pitch Control Algorithm |
DragAnlytMdl | Computes drag using an anayltical model |
LiftAnlytMdl | Computes lift using an analytical model |
PowCompAnlytBsd | Constant wind model that returns power and angles of attack. |
WindMdl | Wind model with constant velocity and angle. |
sign2 | Computes sign. If x >= 0 it equals 1. |
DFIGSim | Simulate a doubly fed inductance generator. |
VAWTPitchControl | Demonstrate pitch control. |
VAWTSimDemo | VAWT Simulation. |
AFPMDesign | Design a dual rotor axial flux generator. |
DMSDemo | Double Multiple Streamtube with straight 2-bladed VAWT |
DMSDemoPC3Bld | Double Multiple Streamtube with straight 3-bladed VAWT |
Design5MWHAWT | Preliminary design of a 5 MW wind turbine. |
HAWTSim | Simulate a horizontal axis 3 blade wind turbine. |
SRGDemo | Demonstrates a switched reluctance generator. |
ServoSim | Simulate a servo mechanism. |
VAWTSim | Simulate a vertical wind turbine. |
VAWTMultibodyDemo | Test a multibody wind turbine model. |
DualRotorDesign | Design a dual rotor generator configuration. |
PitchMotorSizing | Determine size of pitch motor based on driving acceleration |
BldComps | Computes inflow velocity, blade Reynold's number and angle of attack |
DMSModel | Double Multiple Streamtube Model. |
HAWTRHS | Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Dynamics. |
IGormont | Improved Gormont Dynamic Stall Model. |
RHSVAWTPitchControl | = length(d.m); |
RotationalDynamicsRHS | Rotational dynamics model. |
StaticStall | Static Stall Model |
VAWTDemoBldMdlRHS | VAWT blade model with a pitch controller. |
VAWTRHS | Vertical wind turbine model. |
DFIGEquilibrium | Doubly fed induction generator model equilibrium voltages. |
DFIGRHS | Doubly fed induction generator model. |
PMABCMachineRHS | Permanent magnet machine model in ABC coordinates. |
PMABCMachineSwitchedRHS | Permanent magnet machine model in ABC coordinates with 6 switches. |
PMBMachineRHS | Permanent magnet brushless machine in DQ coordinates. |
PitchServoRHS | Pitch servo model. |
ReluctanceMachineRHS | Right hand side for a 3 phase reluctance motor or generator. |
BearingLife | Equivalent bearing load and bearing life. |
CouplingStress | Calculates the stress acting on coupling. |
DragForce | Calculates maximum drag force acting on a plate-shaped blade. |
Gearbox | Computes torque and angular rate for a gearbox. |
HelicalGear | Maximum allowable torque and safe horsepower capacity for helical gear. |
HingeMoment | Calculates moment at a hinge joint. |
InterferenceFit | Calculates torque transfer and factor of safety. |
NACABladeMOI | Approximates the mass moment of inertia about a point on the blade |
RectangularBeam | Calculates the tensile and shear stresses acting on a rectangular beam |
RotBeamBending | Calculates maximum bending stress on a rotating beam. |
SpurGear | Maximum allowable torque and safe horsepower capacity for spur gear. |
VAWTBearingDistance | Calculates minimum rotor shaft bearing distance. |
WeldThroatArea | Calculates the minimum throat area for a fillet weld. |
RotorAssemblyAerodynamics | Computes the aerodynamic force and torque of each surface in the rotor |
MaxTimeStep | Default Wind Turbine Tachometer Model. For use in WTSim.m. |
WT_Blades | Default Wind Turbine Blade Model. For use in WTSim.m. |
WT_MultiBody | Multi-body VAWT Model. For use in WTSim.m as the "Blades" block. |
WT_VAWTBlades | Default Wind Turbine Blade Model. For use in WTSim.m. |
WT_Controller | Default Wind Turbine Controller. For use in WTSim.m. |
WT_VAWTController | Default Wind Turbine Controller. For use in WTSim.m. |
WT_Converter | Default Wind Turbine Converter Model. For use in WTSim.m. |
WT_Estimator | Default Wind Turbine Estimator. For use in WTSim.m. |
WT_VAWTEstimator | Default Wind Turbine Estimator. For use in WTSim.m. |
WT_DFIG | Wind Turbine DFIG model. For use in WTSim.m. |
WT_Generator | Default Wind Turbine generator model. For use in WTSim.m. |
WT_VAWTGenerator | Default Wind Turbine generator model. For use in WTSim.m. |
WT_Grid | Default Wind Turbine Grid Model. For use in WTSim.m. |
WT_Structure | Default Wind Turbine Structure Model. For use in WTSim.m. |
WT_Tach | Default Wind Turbine Tachometer Model. For use in WTSim.m. |
WT_VAWTTach | Default Wind Turbine Tachometer Model. For use in WTSim.m. |
WT_Transmission | Default Wind Turbine Transmission Model. For use in WTSim.m. |
WT_WindModel | Default Wind Turbine Wind Model. For use in WTSim.m. |
WT_WindSensor | Default Wind Turbine Wind Sensor Model. For use in WTSim.m. |
ParseIOData | Parse the i/o data structure into inputs, outputs, states and params. |
WT_HAWTDFIGSetup | Setup file for use in WTSim.m. Uses WT_DFIG for the Generator model. |
WT_HAWTSetup | Default setup file for wind turbine simulation. For use in WTSim.m. |
WT_VAWTSetup | Setup file for vertical axis wind turbine sim. For use in WTSim.m. |
WTSim | GUI for running wind turbine simulations |
ActuatorDiskFromPower | Compute actuator disk area and power coefficient. |
AreaFromActuatorDisk | Compute area and power coefficient using actuator disk theory. |
BetzLimit | Betz limit for maximum power extractable from the air. |
BladeSolidity | Blade solidity. |
CP2D | Coefficient of power as a function of pitch and lambda. |
CPvsTipSpeedRatio | Compute the power coefficient as a function of tip speed. |
DrawHAWT | Draw a horizontal axis wind turbine. |
DrawVAWT | Draw a vertical axis wind turbine. |
LiftAndDragCoeff | Lift and drag coefficients for an airfoil. |
Obstruction | Obstruction turbulent flow height. |
PowerFromActuatorDisk | Compute power and power coefficient using actuator disk theory. |
ReynoldsNumber | Reynolds number. |
TorqueHAWT | Torque produced by a wind turbine rotor. |
TorqueVAWT | Torque produced by a VAWT wind turbine rotor. |
VAWTAspectRatio | VAWT Aspect ratio. |
WindShear | Wind shear. |
WindShearExponent | Wind shear exponent |
WindTurbinePower | Compute the power from a wind turbine. |
LoadShapeFile | Loads a NREL GIS Shapefile for wind. |
WindFromLatLon | Outputs wind data given latitude and longitude. |
WindPowerClass | Gives the wind power class |
Kaimal | Creates a Kaimal filter. |
Wind | Wind model. |
WindAdmittance | Creates a wind admittance filter. |
WindClass | Wind class. |
WindDeterministic | Deterministic wind model. Models tower effect. |
WindProfile | Surface wind profile. |
WindStochastic | Stochastic wind model. |
WindspeedHours | The hours that the wind is between v(k) +/- dV/2. |
SVN Revision: 42334
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