
Path: CubeSat/AttitudeControl

% Simulate a rigid body with 3-axis attitude control.

   data = AttitudeControlSimRWA( qEB0, wB0, qEBDes, t, inrBody, inrWhl, ...
   maxRate, control );

   qEB0       (4,1)    Initial ECI to Body quaternion
   qEBDes     (4,:)    Desired ECI to Body quaternion over time
   t          (1,:)    Time vector (sec)
   inrBody    (3,3)    Inertia matrix for the rigid body
   inrWhl     (3,1)    Wheel inertias. Enter a scalar if all the same.
   maxRate    (1,1)    Maximum slew rate (rad/s)
   control     (.)     Control data structure with fields:
                        .a      A matrix of discretestate space controller
                        .b      B matrix of discretestate space controller
                        .c      C matrix of discretestate space controller
                        .d      D matrix of discretestate space controller
                        .tSamp  Sampling time (sec)
   data        (.)     Data structure with fields:
                       .t      (1,:)    Time vector (intervals at tSamp)
                       .qEB    (4,:)    ECI to Body quaternion
                       .wB     (3,:)    Body rate (rad/s)
                       .torque (3,:)    Body torque (Nm)
                       .wW     (3,:)    Wheel rates (rad/s)
                       .power  (3,:)    Required power draw (Watts)



AerospaceUtils: Coord/QIToBDot
SC: Dynamics/FRB
SC: Dynamics/RBModel
Common: CommonData/SwooshWatermark
Common: Control/C2DZOH
Common: Control/C2DelZOH
Common: Control/FResp
Common: Control/GND
Common: Control/GSS
Common: Control/ND2SS
Common: Control/PIDMIMO
Common: Control/S2Damp
Common: Control/SS2ND
Common: Control/SizeABCD
Common: Control/TrnsZero
Common: Control/WPZ
Common: Control/WReson
Common: Control/ZFresp
Common: General/CellToMat
Common: General/MatToCell
Common: General/Watermark
Common: Graphics/LogLimit
Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Common: Graphics/PltStyle
Common: Graphics/TextS
Common: Quaternion/AU2Q
Common: Quaternion/Q2AU
Common: Quaternion/QMult
Common: Quaternion/QPose
Math: Integration/RK4
Math: Linear/ColCompR
Math: Linear/Cross
Math: Linear/DelLZ
Math: Linear/IsZero
Math: Linear/Mag
Math: Linear/RowCompU
Math: Linear/SkewSymm
Math: Linear/Unit

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