
Path: CubeSat/MissionPlanning

% Demonstrate the AttitudeProfile function.
 Plots the resulting quaternion and the separation angle from the
 secondary target.

  Mode 1:      Body y to Sun     (Body x to Nadir secondary)
  Mode 2:      Body x to Lat/Lon (Body y to Sun secondary)
  Mode 3:      Different Lat/Lon 

 See also AttitudeProfile, ObservationTimeWindows, PlotOrbit, Q2Eul, Plot2D,
 Date2JD, ObservationTimeWindowsPlot, Period, RVFromKepler


CubeSat: MissionPlanning/AttitudeProfile
CubeSat: MissionPlanning/ObservationTimeWindows
CubeSat: MissionPlanning/ObservationTimeWindowsPlot
CubeSat: Visualization/PlotOrbit
SC: BasicOrbit/Period
SC: BasicOrbit/RVFromKepler
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Common: Quaternion/Q2Eul
Common: Time/Date2JD

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