Link Module |
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GroundStationVisibility | Determine ground station visibility for spacecraft position(s). |
BEP | Computes the bit error probability given C/N and the bit rate. |
DBSignalToPower | Convert decibels to power. |
DataRateGain | Computes communications sytems data rates |
DataRateOrbit | Computes data rate over an orbit. |
FrequencyToWavelength | Converts frequency to wavelength. |
ModulationSpectralEfficiency | Spectral efficiency of different modulation schemes |
AntennaGain | Antenna gain. |
LossAtmosphericGas | Computes the link attenuation due to gas. |
LossPolarization | Computes the polarization loss. |
LossPrecipitation | Computes the link attenuation due to precipation. |
TAntennaGround | Compute the temperature of an antenna on the ground. |
TReceiver | Compute the noise temperature of a receiver attached to an antenna. |
TSky | Brightness temperature of the sky. |
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