Path: FormationFlying/Collision
% Calculate vertices for an ellipsoid. Calculates an ellipsoid given the ellipsoid matrix, semimajor axes, the unit vectors along the axes and the number of patches It is similar to the sphere function from MATLAB. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [x, y, z] = Ellipsoid( s, u, n ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ s (3,1) semi-major axes, [a;b;c] u (3,3) principal axes n (1) number of patches ------- Outputs ------- x (n+1,n+1) x-component of vertices of patch y (n+1,n+1) y-component of vertices of patch z (n+1,n+1) z-component of vertices of patch --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Common: CommonData/SwooshWatermark Common: General/Watermark Common: Graphics/NewFig Common: Transform/Eul2Mat
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