FormationFlying Module |
![]() |
AnalyzeVariableTimeDV | Analyze delta-V maneuver sequences with time between burns |
CheckDeltaVs | Plot the trajectory that will result from a planned maneuver. |
CompareHills | Compare closed form Hills equations with other methods of propagation. |
DFFSim | Simulation routine for testing DFF guidance and control laws. |
DeltaVAnalysis | Compute the total delta-v assoc. w/ several types of reconfigurations. |
DriftRateSigma | Find the standard deviation of along-track drift per orbit due to rel nav errors. |
FFEccFrameCompare | Compare two methods of computing the relative motion in an eccentric orbit. |
FFMaintenancePlotter | Plot the results from "FFMaintenanceSim". |
FFMaintenanceSim | Formation flying maintenance simulation. |
FFMaintenanceTests | Returns data associated with various test runs for "FFMaintenanceSim". |
FindDriftTerm | Find the drift rate term given a probability |
LPvsCF | Compare the delta-v and trajectory for two methods of relative orbit control. |
RelativeVelocityError | Compute max. navigation error that maintains the specified performance. |
TestFFEccLinOrb | Test the FFEccLinOrb function. |
TestLPCircular | Test the LPEccentric function. |
TestLPEccentric | Test the LPEccentric function. |
TestLPEccentricGVE | Test the LPEccentricGVE function. |
CoarseProb | Coarse collision probability estimate |
CollProbSet | Calculates the probability of collision given two ellipsoid sets. |
CollProbVol | Calculates the probability of collision given two ellipsoids using volume relations. |
CollisionInit | Sample data for collision algorithm initialization. |
CollisionMonAlg | Collision monitoring algorithm for maneuvering spacecraft. |
CollisionMonitor | Runs the collision monitoring algorithm. |
CollisionMonteCarlo | Monte-Carlo analysis of collision probability |
CollisionSurvey | Runs the collision monitoring algorithm for n maneuvering spacecraft. |
ConjunctionPlane | Transformation matrix for relative conjunction geometry. |
DistantPtToEll | Distance from a point to the edge of an ellipsoid. |
EllipsePatch | 2D elliptical patch, with axes a along x and b along y |
EllipsePropCirc | Function finds the propagated state uncertainty ellipsoid |
Ellipsoid | Calculate vertices for an ellipsoid. |
GenerateTimeVector | Generate a time vector evenly spaced over true anomaly |
Laguerre | Finds the polynomial roots using Laguerre's method. |
MinDEllipsoid | Computes the minimum distance between two ellipsoids. |
Plot3DEllipsoids | Plot collision ellipsoids in 3D |
PredictCollision | Predict collisions given a new state measurement. |
RelativeDisturb | Relative disturbances for use with a relative state. |
VerifyCollStruct | Update computed fields in the collision data structure fields. |
ViewEllipsoid | Plot collision monitoring ellipsoids. |
WorstCasePerturbations | Worst-case differential accelerations for spacecraft in formation. |
ImpulsiveLPManeuver | Computes the delta-v sequence for a relative orbit maneuver. |
ImpulsiveManeuver | Computes a delta-v sequence for a relative orbit maneuver in a circular orbit |
InPlane | Computes the delta-v's required for an in-plane maneuver. |
IterativeImpulsiveManeuver | Iterative impulsive maneuver delta-V |
LargeFormationControl | Demonstrates control of a large formation of satellites. |
LinOrbLQG | Generate an LQG controller for linearized relative orbit dynamics. |
Lyapunov | Compute a constant gain feedback controller for relative orbital motion. |
OptimalInPlaneDeltaV | Computes the delta-v's and half-orbit delays for an in-plane maneuver. |
OutOfPlane | Computes the delta-v's required for an out-of-plane maneuver. |
AddGoals | Add one set of geometric goals to the other. |
AlignThruster | Computes the desired Hills-to-Body frame quaternion for a thruster firing. |
CirclePhase | Compute the desired phase on the circle from the desired phase on the ellipse. |
EllipsePhase | Compute the desired phase on the ellipse from the desired phase on the circle. |
GetHillsMats | Get Hills transformation matrices |
GetLVLHMats | Generate LVLH transformation matrices |
InitializeFormation | Initialize formation orbital states from geometric goals |
IsCircGeom | Check whether the supplied data structure is for circular geometry or not. |
IsEccGeom | Check whether the supplied data structure is for eccentric geometry or not. |
LFState | Leader-follower Hills state |
PCState | Projected circle state in Hills frame |
ProjCirc | Calculates orbital elements for projected circular formation. |
ProjLine | Calculates orbital elements for an in-line formation. |
QFrenet | Generate the quaternion that transforms from the ECI to the Frenet frame. |
QHillsToBody | Compute the Hills-to-Body quaternion |
RotateState | Rotate a geometric state to the circular phase angle phi. |
ScaleState | Scale a relative state represented by a geometric goal set. This |
SubGoals | Subtract one set of geometric goals from the other. |
TeamGoals2Geom | Extract the geometry data from the team goals data structure |
ThrusterAlignment | Computes body vectors to align with velocity and nadir for a thruster firing. |
BurnData_Structure | Initialize a burn data structure. |
Command_Structure | Command data structure for external commands supplied to DFF system. |
Constraints_Structure | Initialize a constraints data structure. |
CostEstimate_Structure | Initialize a cost estimate data structure. |
DeltaVCommand_Structure | Initialize a delta-v command data structure. |
EccGeometry_Structure | Initialize an eccentric geometry data structure. |
EccTeamGoals_Structure | Initialize a team goals data structure (for eccentric geometries) |
Geometry_Structure | Initialize a geometry data structure. |
ISLMessage_Structure | The ISL message data structure format. |
Maneuver_Structure | Initialize a maneuver data structure. |
Orientation_Structure | Initialize an orientation command data structure. |
PlanningParameters_Structure | Initialize a planning parameters data structure. |
State_Structure | Initialize a state data structure. |
TeamGoals_Structure | Initialize a team goals data structure. |
Team_Structure | Initialize a team data structure. |
Window_Structure | Initialize a window data structure. |
AssignmentDemoMvr | Extension of AssignmentDemo to include collision monitoring. |
AssignmentResults.mat | Saved output from AssignmentDemo for collision monitoring demo. |
CoarseProbDemo | Coarse probability demo |
CollDetectSim | Simulation for testing the collision monitoring algorithms. |
CollMonDemo | Collision monitoring demo. |
CollisionCompareDemo | Collision monitoring demo: compare CollisionSurvey and coarse methods. |
DistantPtToEllDemo | Ellipsoid minimum distance demo |
ReconfigCollisionDemo | Collision monitoring demo for highly eccentric reconfiguration. |
SampleMvr.mat | Saved maneuver data with 4 burns for collision demos |
SetProbabilityDemo | Set membership probability demo. Verify shape of function. |
EccentricControlAnalysis | Analyze the performance of relative orbit control in eccentric orbits |
ExampleFFAnalysis | Demonstrate the use of FFMaintenanceSim to analyze disturbance effects. |
LQGEccDemo | Demonstrate LQG control of relative motion in an eccentric orbit |
LQGOrbitControlDemo | Relative orbit control using LQG |
RotateStateDemo | Demonstrate the RotateState function |
TransECIToHills | Two orbits are initialized with a small inclination difference. The orbits |
FFHEOSolarDist | Simulate relative motion in a HEO orbit with solar pressure disturbance |
PropagationExample | Compares the relative motion predicted by propagation of the discrete state-space system with the motion predicted by Hills equations. |
RelativeOrbitSeparation | Relative simulation with accelerations to produce an offset in leader-follower frame. |
EccTrajDemo | Demonstrate an example relative trajectory with an eccentric reference orbit |
FFEccAssignmentDemo | Demonstrate the different solutions found by the optimal assignment method and the privileged assignment method, in an eccentric orbit. |
FFEccInitDemo | Demonstrate how relative motion changes when the same relative state is initialized at different true anomalies. |
FFEccPropDemo | Compare discrete propagation with continuous solution. |
FFEccReconfigDemo | Compute several reconfiguation maneuvers of varying duration for an elliptical reference orbit. |
AssignmentDemo | Demonstrate the different solutions found by the optimal assignment method and the privileged assignment method. |
DFFReconDemo | Run a formation flying simulation with "DFFSim". |
RendezvousSim | Demonstrate rendezvous control with PD or LQ |
LPConvergenceDemo | Examine the "convergence rate" for an impulsive LP solution |
LPPerformanceDemo | Analyze the performance of the LPEccentric algorithm. |
SafeEllipseDemo | Demonstrate the safe ellipse for safe relative orbit guidance |
SafeGuidanceDemo | Demonstrate the performance of Safe Guidance Mode |
IllustrateEccentricGeometry | Visualization of eccentric relative orbits |
DiscreteHills | Compute a trajectory from discretized Hills equations |
FFIntegrate | Integrate two neighboring orbits, with applied relative accelerations |
HillsEqns | Closed form solution of relative orbital motion using Hills equations. |
RelativeOrbitRHS | Continuous-time linear model of Hills equations in the Hills frame. |
ShortArcToHills | Convert short arc measurements to an approximate Hill's state. |
FFEccDDX | Compute the second derivative of x with respect to true anomaly. |
FFEccDDY | Compute the second derivative of y with respect to true anomaly. |
FFEccDDZ | Compute the second derivative of z with respect to true anomaly. |
FFEccDX | Compute the first derivative of x with respect to true anomaly. |
FFEccDY | Compute the first derivative of y with respect to true anomaly. |
FFEccDYDX | Compute the slope of an ellipse, dy/dx, at a particular true anomaly. |
FFEccDYDX2 | Compute the second derivative of y with respect to x on an ellipse. |
FFEccDZ | Compute the first derivative of z with respect to true anomaly. |
DiscreteGVE | Computes the relative state trajectory in an eccentric reference orbit. |
FFEccDH | Compute integration constant dH for homogeneous solution to LTV diff eqs |
FFEccDMatPeriodic | Compute velocities for periodic motion in an eccentric orbit |
FFEccDiscreteHills | Computes the relative state trajectory in an eccentric reference orbit. |
FFEccGoals | Compute integration constants and initial state given the geometric goals. |
FFEccH | Compute the H term for the homogeneous solution to LTV diff eqs |
FFEccIntConst | Integration constants for eccentric relative motion |
FFEccLawdensEqns | Compute Hills frame state given initial state, true anomaly, and eccentricity |
FFEccLinOrb | Linearized relative motion in an eccentric reference orbit |
FFEccProp | Compute Hills frame state at nu given integ. constants and eccentricity. |
FFEccRMat | Compute the state-transition matrix, R, given the eccentricity and true anomaly. |
FFEccXExt | Compute extreme x-values and associated true anomalies for given relative motion. |
FFEccYExt | Compute extreme y-values and associated true anomalies for given relative motion. |
FFEccZExt | Compute extreme z-values and associated true anomalies for given relative motion. |
AutoFormGeometry | Autonomously update geometric goals |
CostMatrixRows | Given the team goals, determines the starting row (a) and ending row (b) |
DistributeClusterGoals | Given a set of geometric goals for the cluster, with corresponding target |
EstimateCost | Estimate the (weighted) cost to achieve all specified unique target states. |
FFEccEstimateCost | Estimate the weighted cost to achieve all specified unique target states |
FFEccGenerateTeamGoals | Generate a Team Goals data structure given the formation type and size. |
FFEccHexahedronGeometry | Geometric goals for a hexahedron |
FFEccTetrahedronGeometry | Goals for tetrahedron geometry in an eccentric orbit. |
FindMinSet | Find the order of columns in a square matrix which minimizes |
GenerateTeamGoals | Generate a Team Goals data structure given the formation type and size. |
InitializeCostMatrix | Given the team goals, initialize the cost matrix "f" with the right size. |
IsDuplicateState | Determine whether two geometric goal sets are duplicates or not. |
NearestOffset | Determine the nearest along-track offset for a trajectory that is safe. |
OptimalAssignment | Compute the optimal configuration for a group of objects. |
PCGoals | Generate the geometric goals for a cluster in a projected circular formation. |
PopulateCostMatrix | Fill in a single column of the cost matrix. |
PrivilegedAssignment | Assign target states to satellites using the privileged assignment method. |
RestrictIDSet | Given an initial set of relative spacecraft IDs, examine the constraints |
SetupAssignmentProblem | Set up the parameters for the assignment problem given the team goals struct. |
SortTeamGoals | Sort the team goals with fixed states listed before variable states. |
DFFThrusters | Thruster pulsewidth model for DFF. |
IdealActuator | Ideal actuator |
CheckAlignment | Post simulation analysis of alignment. |
MessageAnalysis | Post-simulation message analysis for DFF. |
TestDFFModules | Test each DFF Module individually, in batch mode. |
AutoDualPCCommandList | Command list for the following scenario. |
AutoFormCommandList | Command list for testing autonomous formation and bridging of teams. |
ClusterGoalsDemoCommandList | Command list for demonstrating the achievement of cluster goals |
CollisionCommandList | Command list for monitoring a collision. Same as ProjCircCommandList |
CollisionDemoCommandList | Command list for collision monitoring demo scenario. |
CollisionDetectCommandList | Command list for Collision Detection Simulation |
DefaultCommandList | A specific command list is loaded for each simulation run. |
DemoManeuverCommandList | Command list for the testing the controller. Two spacecraft initialized |
EccentricTetrahedronCommandList | Command list for achieving a tetrahedron formation in an eccentric orbit |
MainDemoCommandList | Command list for the main demo. Involves autonomous team formation |
ProjCircCommandList | Command list for achieving a dual-plane projected circle, |
SimpleManeuverCommandList | Command list for implementing a simple maneuver with 2 spacecraft. |
TeamManagementCommandList | Command list for exercising the team management functionality. |
TestADCSCommandList | Command list for testing the proper function of the ADCS. |
TestControlCommandList | Command list for the testing the controller. Two spacecraft initialized |
TestMonitoringCommandList | Command list for Collision Detection Simulation |
TestOrbAttControlCommandList | Command list for the testing the controller. Two spacecraft initialized |
TestTeamMgtCommandList | Command list for testing the functionality of the Team Management agent. |
DFFAttitudeTarget | Generate a reference quaternion for a variety of targets. There |
DFFControl | The executive function that initializes and runs the DFF software modules. |
DFFRHS | Right-hand-side of the spacecraft dynamic equations for the DFF system. |
DFFSimGUI | DFF simulation status GUI. |
DFFSimulation | Initialize and run a multiple spacecraft simulation with the DFF software. |
ClusterGoalsTeamOrg.mat | Example cluster goals data |
DefaultTankData | Generate a data structure for fuel tank info. |
ParameterUploadDictionary | Load the dictionary of parameters that may be uploaded to the DFF system. |
SoftwareCommandDictionary | Load the dictionary of known software commands for the DFF system. |
SpacecraftParameters | Obtain the specified set of fixed spacecraft parameters (for DFF system). |
TelemetryDictionary | Load the dictionary of telemetry data to be gathered for the DFF system. |
AutoDualPCSimStruct | Define the simulation data structure for the following scenario. |
AutoFormSimStruct | Team autonomous formation simulation data structure. |
ClusterGoalsDemoSimStruct | Cluster goals demo simulation data structure. |
CollisionDemoSimStruct | ProjCircSimStruct with a new command list to run collision survey. |
CollisionDetectSimStruct | Collision detection simulation data structure. |
CollisionSimStruct | ProjCircSimStruct with a new command list to run collision survey. |
DFFSimStruct | Set up the data structure for a DFF simulation. All inputs are optional. |
DemoManeuverSimStruct | Set up the data structure for testing the controller. |
EccentricTetrahedronSimStruct | Eccentric tetrahedron simulation data structure. |
MainDemoSimStruct | Define the simulation data structure for the main demo |
ProjCircSimStruct | Projected circle reconfiguration simulation data structure. |
SimpleManeuverSimStruct | Set up the data structure for testing the controller. |
TeamManagementSimStruct | Set up the data structure for a Team Management demonstration of the DFF system. |
TeamOrgDemo.mat | Example data with 5 satellites and 2 teams |
TestADCSSimStruct | Attitude control test data structure |
TestCollisionSimStruct | Set up a DFF simulation data structure to demonstrate collision detection |
TestControlSimStruct | Set up the data structure for testing the controller. |
TestOrbAttControlSimStruct | Set up the data structure for testing both orbit and attitude control. |
TestTeamMgtSimStruct | Team management simulation data structure |
StateSensor | State sensor. Gives the ideal states of the system. |
DFFAttitudeController | DFF attitude control routine. |
DFFAttitudeCoordination | The attitude coordination component of the decentralized framework. |
DFFAttitudeManagement | The attitude management component of the decentralized framework. |
DFFAttitudeManeuver | DFF attitude maneuver planning |
DFFCollisionAvoidance | The Collision Avoidance module for the DFF system. |
DFFCollisionMonitor | The Collision monitoring component for the decentralized framework |
DFFCommandProcessing | Receive ground commands and route them to the appropriate module(s). |
DFFControlLaw | The decentralized control law. |
DFFCoordinateTransformation | The coordinate transformation element of the software. |
DFFDeltaVManagement | The delta-v management component of the control software. |
DFFGuidanceLaw | The decentralized guidance law. |
DFFISLManagement | The ISL management software for the decentralized framework. |
DFFModuleTemplate | Template for DFF software module. Describe the basic functionality here. |
DFFParameterDatabase | The parameter database for the decentralized formation flying framework. |
DFFRelativeNavigation | DFF relative navigation |
DFFTeamManagement | The team management software for the decentralized satellite framework. |
LPCircular | Computes the thrust trajectory to go from an initial state x0 |
LPCircularTimeWeight | Determine the target state on the desired trajectory that gives the minimum |
LPEccentric | Computes the thrust trajectory to go from an initial state x0 |
LPEccentricGVE | Computes the thrust trajectory to go from an initial state x0 to a |
LPEccentricTimeWeight | Determine the target state on the desired trajectory that gives the minimum |
AlongTrackMotion | Compute attributes of along-track motion from relative state vector |
AnimateRE | Animate the evolution of the desired "safe ellipse" with the position |
ComputeRE | Compute a safe 2x1 relative in-plane ellipse. |
CrossTrackDeltaV | Compute the DV to achieve a min. cross-track dist. at along-track crossing. |
DeltaVChart | Generate a stacked bar chart showing delta-v directions over time |
EllipseDeltaV | Compute a delta-v that will change the current relative trajectory to a |
HillsEqnsSLO | Closed form solution of relative orbital motion using Hills equations. |
NominalSafeGuidance | The Nominal Safe Guidance method. |
PlotRun3D | Generate a 3D plot of a relative trajectory. |
PositionDeltaV | Compute delta-v required to reach a target position, given pos. and vel. |
RE2Hills | Compute the Hills-frame state associated with a relative ellipse. |
RE2SLO | Compute the SLO-frame state associated with a relative ellipse. |
RadialOscillation | Compute the radial oscillation of the relative motion using Hills eqns. |
RestrictDeltaV | Restrict the in-plane and cross-track components of the delta-v |
SafeEllipseParams | Compute the "safe ellipse" parameters from relative SLO-frame pos & vel |
SafeEllipsePosVel | Compute the relative SLO-frame position and velocity that corresponds to |
SafeGuidance | The Safe Guidance Mode. |
SafeGuidanceBurnData | Find index values for separation, nominal and cross-track burns. |
SafeGuidanceParameters | Tunable parameters for Safe Guidance and Collison Detection algorithms |
SafeGuidanceSim | Relative dynamic simulation for two LEO satellites with safe guidance. |
SafeGuidanceSimInit | Returns input data for various test cases for SafeGuidanceSim |
SafeGuidanceSimPlots | Plot select results from a simulation |
SeparationGuidance | The Separation Guidance method. |
YRMax | Compute the maximum value of yR |
AbsRelECI2Hills | Compute a Hills state from a relative ECI state |
DeltaAlfriend2El | Compute standard differential elements from Alfriend differential elements. |
DeltaEl2Alfriend | Compute Alfriend differential elements from standard differential elements. |
DeltaElem2Goals | Reconstructs the geometric goals from the element differences. |
DeltaElem2Hills | Computes the Hills frame state from orbital element differences and |
ECI2Hills | Compute the relative state in Hills frame given two ECI state vectors. |
ECI2LVLH | Compute relative LVLH state from a reference ECI state and ECI state |
ECI2MeanElements | Computes mean orbital elements from reference ECI position and velocity |
FFEccDeltaElem2Goals | Convert element differences to eccentric geometric goals. |
FFEccDeltaElem2Hills | Convert element differences to Hills frame coordinates in an eccentric orbit. |
FFEccFrenet2Goals | Compute geometric goals given Frenet frame state and orbit info |
FFEccGoals2Hills | Compute Hills frame state (time-domain) given geometric goals and orbit info |
FFEccHills2DeltaElem | Compute element differences from Hills frame state and ref. elements |
FFEccHills2Goals | Compute geometric goals given Hills frame state and orbit info |
Frenet2Hills | Rotate the Frenet frame state to the Hills frame, where x is radial |
GeometryCirc2Ecc | Convert a circular geometry structure to an eccentric geometry structure. |
GeometryEcc2Circ | Convert an eccentric geometry structure to a circular geometry structure. |
Goals2DeltaElem | Computes the desired orbital element differences, given the formation flying |
Goals2Hills | Compute a Hills state from geometric goals |
Hills2DeltaElem | Computes the Hills orbital element differences |
Hills2ECI | Given the reference state in ECI, converts a Hills frame state to ECI. |
Hills2Frenet | Rotate the Hills frame state to the Frenet frame, where x is along-track |
Hills2Goals | Convert Hills state to geometric goals |
Hills2LVLH | Converts a state vector from the Hills to the LVLH coordinate frame. |
LVLH2ECI | Given the reference state in ECI, converts an LVLH frame state to ECI. |
LVLH2Hills | Converts a state vector from the LVLH to the Hills coordinate frame. |
Mean2Osc | Transforms mean orbital elements to osculating orbital elements. |
Mean2OscS | Transforms mean orbital elements to osculating orbital elements. |
Osc2Mean | Transforms osculating orbital elements to mean orbital elements. |
TransformGeom2Hills | Transform geometric goals to hills-frame coordinates. |
AccelVector2ManeuverStruct | Build a "maneuver" data structure from acceleration and time vectors. |
ApplyDeltaV | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
DataSize | Find the size in bytes of a piece of data. |
FFEccTargetTrueAnom | Compute the future true anomaly (unwrapped) at the specified number of orbits |
Hexahedron | Compute the 5 points of a regular tetrahedron, the surface area and volume. |
JD2SS1970 | Converts a Julian Date to seconds since 00:00:00 GMT, Jan. 1, 1970. |
ManeuverStruct2AccelVector | Compute a 3xN acceleration vector from a "maneuver" data structure. |
MeanAnom2TrueLat | Convert mean anomaly to true latitude. |
NOrbVector | Compute a vector of maneuver durations from time window data |
NewtRaph2 | Newton Raphson solver. |
Nu2TimeDomain | Convert a relative state from the nu-domain to the time-domain. |
NuDot | Compute the time-derivative of the true anomaly. |
RVOrbGenDV | Generate an orbit by propagating Keplerian elements with impulsive delta-vs. |
SS19702JD | Converts seconds since 00:00:00 GMT, Jan. 1, 1970 to a Julian date. |
Tetrahedron | Compute the 4 points of a regular tetrahedron, the surface area and volume. |
Time2NuDomain | Convert a relative state from the time-domain to the nu-domain. |
TimeUntilTheta | Computes the time in seconds until the latitude "theta2" is reached from the |
CascadingTetrahedron.fd.mat | Cascading tetrahedron saved formation design file. |
CostVis | Visualize the cost to achieve each target state on the trajectory. |
DisplayPlugin | Display Plugin for the Formation Design GUI. |
FFEccAnalyzeShape | Interactively analyze the shape of a relative trajectory in an eccentric reference orbit. |
FFEccShapes | Compute the shape of the relative motion in the orbital plane. |
FormationDesignGUI | Formation Design GUI. |
GeometryPlugin | Geometry Plugin for the Formation Design GUI. |
HillsFramePlot | Plot the trajectory in Hills frame and show the x-z, x-y projections. |
MultiProjCirc.fd.mat | Multi-projected circle saved formation design file. |
OrbitDataPlugin | Orbit Data Plugin for the Formation Design GUI. |
RelativeStatePlugin | Relative State Plugin for the Formation Design GUI. |
SatellitePlugin | Satellite Plugin for the Formation Design GUI. |
ShowTeams | Graphically show the hierarchy of teams. |
TeamLevels | Assign a hierarchical level to each team in the array. |
TeamPlugin | Team Plugin for the Formation Design GUI. |
ViewFormation | View the 3-D trajectory of a formation in Hills frame. |
ViewGeometry | View the geometry created by a formation of spacecraft |
ViewHills | Animation the relative motion in Hills frame. |
ViewRelativeMotion | View the relative motion for geometric goals |
ViewRotatingHillsFrame | Animate a satellite's relative trajectory in the inertial frame. |
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