Path: FormationFlying/Visual
% Formation Design GUI. Use this tool to design the trajectories and the team organization of multiple spacecraft formations. Initialize the GUI by typing its name: FormationDesignGUI For detailed instructions on how to use the GUI, click on "Help" from the figure menu, or type: FormationDesignGUI('help') You may load the reference orbital elements from the command line by typing: FormationDesignGUI( 'load orbit', el ) where "el" is a 1x6 vector of orbital elements: [a, i, W, w, e, M] a - semi-major axis [km] i - inclination [deg] W - right ascension [deg] w - perigee [deg] e - eccentricity M - mean anomaly [deg] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: FormationDesignGUI( action, modifier ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ action (:) Action to be taken by the GUI modifier (:) Accompnying data ------- Outputs ------- none --------------------------------------------------------------------------
FormationFlying: Coord/IsCircGeom FormationFlying: Coord/IsEccGeom FormationFlying: Dynamics/HillsEqns FormationFlying: EccDynamics/FFEccGoals FormationFlying: EccDynamics/FFEccRMat FormationFlying: Transformation/FFEccHills2DeltaElem FormationFlying: Transformation/GeometryCirc2Ecc FormationFlying: Transformation/GeometryEcc2Circ FormationFlying: Transformation/Goals2Hills FormationFlying: Transformation/Hills2Frenet FormationFlying: Utility/NuDot FormationFlying: Visual/DisplayPlugin FormationFlying: Visual/GeometryPlugin FormationFlying: Visual/OrbitDataPlugin FormationFlying: Visual/RelativeStatePlugin FormationFlying: Visual/SatellitePlugin FormationFlying: Visual/ShowTeams FormationFlying: Visual/TeamLevels FormationFlying: Visual/TeamPlugin Orbit: OrbitCoord/El2Alfriend Plotting: GUI/AnimationGUI SC: BasicOrbit/El2RV SC: BasicOrbit/M2Nu SC: BasicOrbit/Nu2M SC: BasicOrbit/OrbRate SC: BasicOrbit/Period Common: GUIs/Selection Common: General/DeBlankLT Common: Graphics/AddView Common: Graphics/AddZoom Common: Graphics/AxisEqual Common: Plugins/HierarchicalListPlugIn Math: Linear/DupVect Math: Linear/Mag builder: Templates/HelpSystem
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