
Path: FormationFlying/Transformation

%  Compute a Hills state from geometric goals
 Computes the desired relative position and velocity in Hills frame, given the
 formation flying geometric "goals" and the reference orbital elements.
   xH = Goals2Hills( el0, goals )
   xH = Goals2Hills( n, theta, goals )

   el0             (1,6)     Reference orbital elements (Alfriend format) [a,th,i,q1,q2,W]
   n                (1)      Mean orbit rate [rad/sec]
   theta            (1)      True latitude   [rad]

   goals            (.)      Geometric goals data structure with following fields:
     - y0          (1,:)        along-track offset                             [km]
     - aE          (1,:)        semi-major axis of relative ellipse            [km]
     - beta        (1,:)        angle on ellipse at perigee                   [rad]
     - zInc        (1,:)        cross-track amplitude due to inclination diff  [km]
     - zLan        (1,:)        cross-track amplitude due to right ascen diff  [km]

   xH              (6,:)     Hills frame position and velocity  
                                [km; km; km; km/s; km/s; km/s]
                                [ x;  y;  z;   Vx;   Vy;   Vz]

	  References:     Mueller, J. and M. Brito,"A Distributed Flight Software Design 
                    for Satellite Formation Flying Control," presented at the AIAA 
                    Space 2003 Conference, Long Beach, CA, September 2003.


FormationFlying: Coord/CirclePhase
SC: BasicOrbit/OrbRate
Common: CommonData/SwooshWatermark
Common: General/CellToMat
Common: General/MatToCell
Common: General/Watermark
Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Common: Graphics/PltStyle
Math: Trigonometry/WrapPhase

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