
Path: FormationFlying/SafeGuidance

% Closed form solution of relative orbital motion using Hills equations.
   Relative state expressed in Spacecraft-Local-Orbit (SLO) coordinate frame.

   Since version 10.
   X = HillsEqnsSLO( Xo, w, t )

   Xo              (6,nSC)    Initial state in SLO frame, length unit [L], velocity unit [L/sec]
                                * each column is the state of a s/c, [x; y; z; xdot; ydot; zdot]
   w                 (1)      Orbital Rate (rad/s)
   t                 (:)      time vector (sec)
   flag             (1,1)     If entered, the output is formatted as a (6,nSC) matrix.

   X               (6*nSC,:)  Position and velocity over time


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