Path: FormationFlying/Transformation
% Compute Hills frame state (time-domain) given geometric goals and orbit info Since version 7. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: [xH,D] = FFEccGoals2Hills( e, nu, g, n ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ e (1) Eccentricity nu (1) True anomaly [rad] g (.) Data structure of geometric goals n (1) Mean orbit rate [rad/s] (optional) * time-derivatives returned if provided * nu-derivatives returned if NOT provided ------- Outputs ------- xH (6,1) Hills frame state at nu (time-domain) D (6,1) Integration constants for trajectory dH (1) Integration constant found by setting H = 0 at nu -------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: Inalhan, Tillerson, How, "Relative Dynamics and Control of Spacecraft Formations in Eccentric Orbits", Journal of Guidance, Control & Dynamics, Vol.25, No.1, Jan-Feb 2002. --------------------------------------------------------------------------
FormationFlying: EccDynamics/FFEccDH FormationFlying: EccDynamics/FFEccGoals FormationFlying: EccDynamics/FFEccProp FormationFlying: EccDynamics/FFEccRMat FormationFlying: EccDynamics/FFEccYExt EccDynamics: Derivatives/FFEccDDY EccDynamics: Derivatives/FFEccDY FormationFlying: Utility/Nu2TimeDomain FormationFlying: Utility/NuDot FormationFlying: Visual/FFEccAnalyzeShape Math: Linear/Mag Math: Solvers/NewtRaph Math: Trigonometry/WrapPhase
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