
Path: FormationFlying/SafeGuidance

% Compute the "safe ellipse" parameters from relative SLO-frame pos & vel

% Usage:
   [x0,aE,yA,yR,alpha] = SafeEllipseParams( rSLO,vSLO,n );

   rSLO         (3,1)  Relative position in SLO frame
   vSLO         (3,1)  Relative velocity in SLO frame
   n             (1)   Mean orbit rate [rad/s]

   x0            (1)   Center of along-track motion 
   aE            (1)   Semi-major axis of relative ellipse 
   yA            (1)   Cross-track offset at along-track axis crossing 
   yR            (1)   Cross-track offset at radial axis crossing 
   alpha         (1)   Center of along-track motion [rad]

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