Path: FormationFlying/Visual
% Plot the trajectory in Hills frame and show the x-z, x-y projections. Since version 7. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage: figH = HillsFramePlot( rH ); -or- figH = HillsFramePlot( rH, [], color ); -or- HillsFramePlot( rH, figH ); -or- HillsFramePlot( rH, figH, color ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ rH (3,:) Relative position in Hills frame [km] figH (1) Figure handle (optional) color (:) Color of projection area ------- Outputs ------- figH (1) Figure handle --------------------------------------------------------------------------
FormationFlying: Coord/CirclePhase FormationFlying: Coord/EllipsePhase FormationFlying: Coord/IsCircGeom FormationFlying: Coord/RotateState FormationFlying: DataStructures/Geometry_Structure FormationFlying: Transformation/Goals2Hills SC: BasicOrbit/OrbRate Common: CommonData/SwooshWatermark Common: General/CellToMat Common: General/MatToCell Common: General/StringMatch Common: General/Watermark Common: Graphics/AddView Common: Graphics/AddZoom Common: Graphics/NewFig Common: Graphics/Plot2D Common: Graphics/PltStyle Math: Trigonometry/WrapPhase
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