Path: FormationFlying/Guidance
% Fill in a single column of the cost matrix. Since version 7. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage: [f,col] = PopulateCostMatrix( f, costEstimate, teamGoals, relativeIDs ); -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ f (N,X) Cost matrix (N target states, X spacecraaft) costEstimate (.) Data structure of cost information for a single spacecraft teamGoals (.) Goals data structure defining desired relative motion for team relativeIDs (1) Unique IDs for all relative spacecraft in the team ------- Outputs ------- f (N,X) Cost matrix (N target states, X spacecraaft) col (1) column of the "f" matrix where the cost vector was inserted --------------------------------------------------------------------------
FormationFlying: DataStructures/Constraints_Structure FormationFlying: DataStructures/CostEstimate_Structure FormationFlying: DataStructures/Geometry_Structure FormationFlying: DataStructures/TeamGoals_Structure FormationFlying: Guidance/CostMatrixRows FormationFlying: Guidance/InitializeCostMatrix
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