
Path: FormationFlying/EccDynamics

% Compute velocities for periodic motion in an eccentric orbit
 Given an initial Hills state (xH0) at a particular true anomaly (nu0) of an
 eccentric orbit (e), compute the in-plane velocities (dx and dy) required for
 periodic motion.

 Use any of the following methods:

     1) symmetric              - Motion is symmetric in-track about the origin
     2) fuel optimized         - Use LP to find minimum of abs(dx) + abs(dy)
     3) velocity constraint    - Leave dx = dx0, solve for new dy

   [D, dx, dy] = FFEccDMatPeriodic( xH0, nu0, e, method );

   xH0             (6,1)   Initial state in Hills frame
   nu0           	(1,1)   True anomaly (at initial state) [rad]
   e             	(1,1)   Eccentricity
   method        	(1,1)   Indicate which method to use
                             1 - symmetric 
                             2 - fuel optimization
                             3 - velocity constraint
   D               (6,1)  Vector of integration constants
   dx             	(1,1)   Scaled radial velocity required for periodic motion
   dy             	(1, )   Scaled along-track velocity required for periodic motion

   References: Inalhan, Tillerson, How, "Relative Dynamics and Control of
   Spacecraft Formations in Eccentric Orbits", Journal of Guidance,
   Control & Dynamics, Vol.25, No.1, Jan-Feb 2002.


FormationFlying: EccDynamics/FFEccDH
FormationFlying: EccDynamics/FFEccRMat
Common: CommonData/SwooshWatermark
Common: General/CellToMat
Common: General/MatToCell
Common: General/Watermark
Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Common: Graphics/PltStyle

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