
Path: FormationFlying/Utility

% Compute the 4 points of a regular tetrahedron, the surface area and volume.

   The first point is at the origin by default. Setting centroid=1 will
   put the centroid of the first 3 points at the origin.

   Call with no outputs to see a picture in 3D.

   Since version 7.
   [p,a,v] = Tetrahedron( d, eul, centroid )

   d           (1)  Length of each side  [length]
   eul        (1,3) Euler angles defining orientation
   centroid    (1)  Flag. If 1, puts the centroid of the first 3 points at
                    the origin. Otherwise (default) the first point is at
                    the origin.

   p          (3,4)  [x;y;z] coordinates of the four corners
   a           (1)   Surface area  [length^2]
   v           (1)   Volume        [length^3]


Common: Quaternion/QForm
Common: Transform/Eul2Q

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