Path: FormationFlying/Control
% Computes the delta-v's required for an out-of-plane maneuver. Since version 7. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ meas_elem (1,6) Reference orbital elements (Alfriend format) [a,theta,i,q1,q2,W] delta_elem (:,6) Error in orbital element differences (Alfriend format) accNom (1) Nominal acceleration [km/s/s] dTMin (1) Minimum achievable burn duration [sec] ------- Outputs ------- burnData (.) Burn data structure with burn time, duration, magnitude and direction. nBurns (1) Number of burns required th1 (1) Argument of latitude at which burn is applied (req'd for in-plane delta-v calculations) --------------------------------------------------------------------------
AC: ACData/ACTConstants FormationFlying: Utility/TimeUntilTheta SC: BasicOrbit/E2M SC: BasicOrbit/Nu2E SC: BasicOrbit/Nu2M SC: SCData/sCTConstants Common: CommonData/Constants Common: CommonData/SwooshWatermark Common: CommonData/xSplashSmall Common: Database/Constant Common: General/CellToMat Common: General/DeleteCell Common: General/MatToCell Common: General/Watermark Common: Graphics/NewFig Common: Graphics/Plot2D Common: Graphics/PltStyle Math: Linear/DupVect Math: Trigonometry/WrapPhase
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