
Path: FormationFlying/Utility

% Convert a relative state from the time-domain to the nu-domain.

   This changes only the relative velocity portion (elements 4 thru 6) of
   the state vector.

   For this conversion, the velocity terms are divided by the
   time-derivative of the true anomaly (nu).

   Since version 7.
   x = Time2NuDomain( x, n, e, nu )

   x               (6,1)  Relative State in time-domain, 6x1 vector, 
   n                (1)   Mean orbit rate [rad/s]
   e                (1)   Eccentricity
   nu               (1)   True anomaly [rad]

   x               (6,1)  Relative State in nu-domain, 6x1 vector, 

   References: Inalhan, Tillerson, How, "Relative Dynamics and Control of
   Spacecraft Formations in Eccentric Orbits", Journal of Guidance,
   Control & Dynamics, Vol.25, No.1, Jan-Feb 2002.


FormationFlying: Utility/NuDot

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