PSS Common Module
MATLAB toolboxes for aerospace analysis
Time Directory Reference

Time utilities including Julian date.



file  Date2DN.m
 Compute the day number from the date.
file  Date2FY.m
 Computes the fractional year from the date.
file  Date2JD.m
 Gives the current date if there are no inputs.
file  DateStringToJD.m
file  DeltaT.m
 Computes the difference between UT1 and TT based on the Julian date.
file  DN2Date.m
 Computes the date from the day number and year.
file  DN2JD.m
file  DNString2Date.m
file  DTAToDTS.m
 Converts the date time array to the date time structure.
file  DTSToDTA.m
 Converts the date time structure to the date time array.
file  FindSolsticeOrEquinox.m
 Finds the Julian Date for solstices and equinoxes.
file  JD2000.m
 Returns the Julian Date for J2000.0 0d 0h UT.
file  JD2Array.m
 Compute an array of Julian dates from an epoch.
file  JD2Date.m
 Compute the calendar date from the Julian date.
file  JD2Day.m
 Computes the day of the week from Julian day number.
file  JD2DN.m
 Compute the day number from Julian date.
file  JD2MJD.m
 Converts Julian date to Modified Julian Date.
file  JD2T.m
 Converts Julian days to centuries from J2000.0.
file  JDToDateString.m
 Convert Julian Date to the form '04/20/2000 00:00:00'.
file  JDToMidnight.m
file  LeapYear.m
 Distinguish between Gregorian and Julian Calendars.
file  LocalTimeToGMT.m
file  LocalTimeToJD.m
file  MJD2JD.m
 Converts Modified Julian Date to Julian date.
file  SecToString.m
 Convert seconds to days hours/min/seconds and produces a string.
file  SystemTime.m
 Provides the system time to the software.
file  T2JD.m
 Converts Julian centuries from J2000.0 to days.
file  TAI2TT.m
 Converts Terrestrial atomic time to Terrestrial dynamic time.
file  TDB2TT.m
 Converts barycentric dynamical time.
file  TimeStringToJD.m
file  TT2TAI.m
 Converts Terrestrial (dynamic) time to Terrestrial atomic time.
file  TT2TDB.m
 Converts terrestrial dynamic time to barycentric dynamical time.
file  TT2UT1.m
 Converts TT (Terrestrial (dynamic) Time) to UT1

file  UT12TT.m
 Converts UT1 (time scale based on the rotation of the earth)
file  YPF2T.m
 Converts years in fractional form, e.g.

Detailed Description

Time utilities including Julian date.