PSS Common Module
MATLAB toolboxes for aerospace analysis
General Directory Reference

General purpose utilities.



file  AddToList.m
 Check for duplicates.
file  AddToPath.m
 Add a local directory to the path and return to the current directory.
file  AllCaps.m
 Determines if the string is all capital letters.
file  ArrayToLinspace.m
file  AssignFHandle.m
 Assign either a string or function handle depending on the MATLAB version.
file  Cell2DToStruct.m
 remove empty elements
file  CellToMat.m
 Converts a cell array to a matrix.
file  CenterFigure.m
 Find a position array that centers a figure.
file  ChangePath.m
 Change the path.
file  CloseFigure.m
 Close a figure.
file  CloseIfHandle.m
 Close h if it is a handle to a figure.
file  CloseMatFile.m
 Closes every file not listed in kOpenPre.
file  CloseUIElement.m
 Close a UIElement.
file  ColumnSizeCellArray.m
file  ConvertFortranFormatToC.m
 Convert Fortran formats to C.
file  CPIAdjust.m
 Year range.
file  CreateHTMLTable.m
 Creates an HTML table from x.
file  CreateLatexTable.m
 Creates a LaTeX table from x.
file  CreateTable.m
file  DeBlankAll.m
 Delete all blanks

file  DeBlankLT.m
 Delete leading and trailing blanks.
file  DebugLog.m
file  DeleteCell.m
 Delete a cell element of a one dimensional cell array.
file  DeleteFromList.m
 Delete the selected item from a list.
file  DeleteIfHandle.m
 Close h if it is a handle.
file  DeleteSuffix.m
 Deletes the .xxx part of a name.
file  DirToCell.m
 Filter the file names.
file  DisplayLatexTable.m
 Find the maximum sizes for each column.
file  DispWithTitle.m
file  EditScroll.m
 Horizontal slider.
file  Equal.m
 First determine if the two items are identical.
file  fixpopupuicontrol.m
 Nothing to fix.
file  flength.m
 Give the length of a file in bytes.
file  Fractal.m
 Vectors from 1 to 2 and 1 to 3.
file  FSWClock.m
 This routine implements the flight software clock.
file  FunNames.m
 Get Function Names.
file  GetCurrentGUIObject.m
 Gets the last uicontrol that was hit.
file  GetEntry.m
 PSS internal file version information.
file  GetInputFromString.m
 Run a demo.
file  GetListString.m
 Get an element from a list uicontrol.
file  GetNewTag.m
 Get a new tag to uniquely identify a figure.
file  GetUIElement.m
 Get certain properties of UIElements.
file  HasOptimizationToolbox.m
 Returns 1 if a licensed optimization toolbox is in your path.
file  Inflation.m
file  IntToBinary.m
 Converts an integer to binary [lsb msb] in two's complement.
file  IsValidField.m
 Determine if a field exists and is not empty.
file  IsVersionAfter.m
 Checks to see if the version of MATLAB is after n.
file  IsVersionBefore.m
 Checks to see if the version of Matlab is before n.
file  LatexExp.m
 Creates a latex exponential string.
file  LatexScientificNotation.m
file  LatexTableFromStructure.m
 Creates a LaTeX table from s.
file  ListCases.m
 if end of file reached...
file  ListFunctions.m
 List the functions that are called from a given file.
file  ListMemberFunctions.m
 if end of file reached...
file  ListParents.m
 List all parents of a function.
file  LogB.m
 Log base b.
file  MatrixCellTo3D.m
 Convert a cell array of p x p matrices into a 3D matrix.
file  MatrixDisplay.m
file  MatToCell.m
 Converts a string matrix to a cell array.
file  Num2Str1Line.m
 Converts a matrix to a one line string.
file  PrintTitle.m
 Print a title with — under and above.
file  ProcessTag.m
 Analyze the index.
file  RadioButtons.m
 Create radio buttons.
file  RequiredFields.m
 Returns 1 if the data structure g has the required fields in r.
file  SaveMovie.m
file  SaveStructure.m
 Create the file name.
file  SetUIElement.m
 Set certain properties of UIElements

file  SortColumnCell.m
file  Staircase.m
file  StringMatch.m
file  StringToToken.m
 Finds the first token in a string.
file  StringToTokens.m
 Converts a string to a list of tokens.
file  StrMtch.m
 In a matrix with each row a string finds the first matching string.
file  StructToCell2D.m
 Convert a structure into a cell array.
file  StructToText.m
file  StructureList.m
 Creates a list of structures and variables.
file  UIElement.m
 Create a reasonable position vector.
file  ValidTime.m
 Returns the time if valid.
file  WaitBarManager.m
 Manages the wait bar.
file  Watermark.m
 Watermarks are temporarily turned off.

Detailed Description

General purpose utilities.