PSS Common Module
MATLAB toolboxes for aerospace analysis
Transform Directory Reference

Common coordinate transforms.



file  Altitude.m
 This is for the aicraft toolbox.
file  AU2M.m
file  Cart2Sph.m
 Converts cartesian coordinates to spherical.
file  CoordinateFrameFromUV.m
 Computes a transformation matrix from the frame.
file  Deg2DMS.m
 Convert degrees to degrees, minutes and seconds.
file  Deg2HMS.m
 Convert radians to hours, minutes and seconds.
file  DMS2Deg.m
 Convert degrees, minutes and seconds to radians.
file  DMS2Rad.m
file  Eul2Mat.m
 Euler angle rotations go from frame a to b These transformation matrices go from a to b.
file  Eul2Q.m
 Converts 3-2-1 Euler angles to a quaternion.
file  EulDot2Rates.m
 return transformation matrix
file  HMS2Deg.m
 Convert hours, minutes and seconds to degrees.
file  HMS2Rad.m
file  IConv.m
 Transform a 6x1 compact inertia vector into a 3x3 inertia matrix.
file  IConvP.m
 Transform a a 3x3 inertia matrix into 6x1 compact inertia vector.
file  Mat2Eul.m
 Check to see if the transformation matrix is nearly singular.
file  Rad2DMS.m
 Convert radians to degrees, minutes and seconds.
file  Rad2HMS.m
 Convert radians to hours, minutes and seconds.
file  RaDec2U.m
 Converts right ascension and declination to unit vectors.
file  Rates2EulDot.m
 return transformation matrix
file  RotMat.m
 Generates a rotation matrix that transforms in the opposite direction.
file  RPhiTheta2Cart.m
 Computes the transformation matrix from an r, phi, theta frame.
file  Sph2Cart.m
 Converts spherical coordinates to cartesian.
file  TranslateAxes.m
 sgn = +1, away from cg sgn = -1, to cg
file  UnitVectorFromOffset.m
file  VM2Int.m

Detailed Description

Common coordinate transforms.