PSS Common Module
MATLAB toolboxes for aerospace analysis
Plugins Directory Reference

Graphical PlugIn functions for building GUIs.



file  ComputeGainsPlugIn.m
 Create a detection filter gains GUI plug in used by DetectionFilterBuilder.
file  HierarchicalListPlugIn.m
 Create and manages a hierarchical list.
file  NormalizePlugIn.m
 Create the Normalize GUI plug in used by DetectionFilterBuilder.
file  PlotPlugIn.m
 Plot a variable number of points.
file  SimulatePlugIn.m
 Create a Simulate GUI plug in used by DetectionFilterBuilder.
file  StateSpacePlugIn.m
 Create an StateSpace GUI plug in used by DetectionFilterBuilder.
file  Telemetry.m
 If no plots are requested, return.
file  TelemetryOffline.m
 This GUI plots telemetry files previously saved by Telemetry.
file  TelemetryPlot.m
 Plot real time data in a single window.
file  TimePlugIn.m
 Create a time GUI plug in.

Detailed Description

Graphical PlugIn functions for building GUIs.