PSS Common Module
MATLAB toolboxes for aerospace analysis
Control functions.
More...Files | |
file | Acker.m |
Compute the controllability matrix. | |
file | ACTF.m |
Generic sensor or actuator model. | |
file | Alias.m |
Computes the fundamental alias of a frequency. | |
file | AllanVariance.m |
Implements the overlapping Allan Variance. | |
file | Append.m |
Check the dimensions of a, b, c and d for consistency. | |
file | BalReal.m |
Check the dimensions of a, b, c and d for consistency. | |
file | BalRealG.m |
Computes a balanced realization of g. | |
file | BodeGP.m |
Computes the phase using the Bode gain phase rule. | |
file | C2DelZOH.m |
Check the inputs. | |
file | C2DFOH.m |
Check the inputs. | |
file | C2DPulse.m |
Check the inputs. | |
file | C2DZOH.m |
Check the inputs. | |
file | C2DZOHWD.m |
Check the inputs. | |
file | CButter.m |
Build the continuous filter. | |
file | CCVModel.m |
Default output. | |
file | CGram.m |
Check the dimensions for consistency. | |
file | CInputs.m |
Generates different control inputs. | |
file | CLoopS.m |
Creates a closed loop system. | |
file | CLPoles.m |
Reduce the order of the system. | |
file | CompE.m |
Combine in series. | |
file | CToD.m |
Create a discrete time compensator from a continuous time compensator. | |
file | CToDRand.m |
file | DBalReal.m |
Check the dimensions of a, b, c and d for consistency. | |
file | DBode.m |
Generates a Bode plot for a discrete time system. | |
file | DCGain.m |
Default discrete time domain. | |
file | DCGram.m |
Check the dimensions for consistency. | |
file | Delay.m |
Create a model of a delay using Pade approximants for exp(-sT). | |
file | DigitalFilter.m |
Demo. | |
file | DispG.m |
Display a statespace system using vertical bar charts. | |
file | DOGram.m |
Check the dimensions for consistency. | |
file | DQCE.m |
Check the inputs. | |
file | DQCR.m |
Check the inputs. | |
file | DRiccati.m |
Check the inputs. | |
file | EigEval.m |
Unitize. | |
file | ESAssign.m |
Check the eigenvalues. | |
file | ESAssignDraper.m |
Generate the weighting matrix. | |
file | EVAssgnC.m |
The following insures real gains. | |
file | EVAssgnE.m |
Use eigevector assignment to design an estimator. | |
file | EVDesMat.m |
Create the design matrix for the eigenstructure assignment technique. | |
file | FFTEngy.m |
Plot the energy in a signal. | |
file | FindPeaks.m |
Find peaks of the inputs by looking at slopes. | |
file | FOPID.m |
Fractional order PID controller. | |
file | FResp.m |
Demo. | |
file | FRespG.m |
Check arguments. | |
file | FRespPlot.m |
Nichols plot. | |
file | Gen2nd.m |
Creates a second order transfer function. | |
file | GND.m |
Check arguments. | |
file | GPMargin.m |
Use the Bode Gain/Phase relationship to get the correct phase. | |
file | GSS.m |
Compute the multivariable frequency response of the system. | |
file | IC.m |
Check inputs. | |
file | Integral.m |
Input processing. | |
file | InvSys.m |
Check the dimensions of a, b, c and d for consistency. | |
file | JLQOF.m |
Linear quadratic regulator with an output feedback cost function. | |
file | JLQTOF.m |
Output feedback design with a reference input. | |
file | JLQTWOF.m |
Output feedback design with a reference input. | |
file | KronProd.m |
Compute the Kronecker product. | |
file | KronSum.m |
Compute the Kronecker sum. | |
file | KSmooth.m |
Forward propagation. | |
file | LeadLag.m |
Create a lead or lag. | |
file | LFBal.m |
Perform low frequency prebalancing of a system. | |
file | Limit.m |
Limits a matrix. | |
file | LQC.m |
Build the regulator. | |
file | MagPlot.m |
Check arguments. | |
file | MSR.m |
Extract the necessary matrices. | |
file | ND2SS.m |
Creates state-space model from numerator and denominator polynomials. | |
file | NLFilter.m |
Implements a nonlinear fixed gain filter. | |
file | Notch.m |
Demo. | |
file | NQuant.m |
Computes the variance for various types of roundoff. | |
file | NumericalTransferFunction.m |
Demo. | |
file | Nyquist.m |
Demo. | |
file | OGram.m |
Check the dimensions for consistency. | |
file | P3Axis.m |
A 3-axis proportional controller. | |
file | Parallel.m |
Check the dimensions of a, b, c and d for consistency. | |
file | PDDesign.m |
Design a PD controller. | |
file | PGains.m |
Find the Hessenberg form of a such that a = t*ah*t' and t'*t = eye(t) | |
file | PhasePlane.m |
Switching logic. | |
file | PID.m |
Demo. | |
file | PIDesign.m |
Design a PI controller. | |
file | PIDMIMO.m |
Compute the gains assuming that omegaR is large, 5 to 10 times omega. | |
file | PIDProper.m |
transfer function representation of non-proper PID | |
file | PIDWithLag.m |
Defaults for demos. | |
file | PILeaky.m |
Demo. | |
file | PrintEigenvalues.m |
Print eigenvalues to the command window. | |
file | PropStateSpace.m |
Propagate a state space model. | |
file | PWM.m |
Create a model of a pulsewidth modulator using Padé approximants. | |
file | QCE.m |
Check the inputs. | |
file | QCR.m |
Check the inputs. | |
file | Quant.m |
Quantizes a matrix using user defined rounding. | |
file | Riccati.m |
Check the inputs. | |
file | RootLocus.m |
Demo. | |
file | RootSort.m |
Demo. | |
file | RouthArray.m |
Coefficients are [s^n ... s^0]. | |
file | S2Damp.m |
Eigenvalues to damping and natural frequency. | |
file | S2Z.m |
Transform an s-plane transfer function into the z-plane. | |
file | SelectS.m |
Extract selected states from a state space model. | |
file | Series.m |
Series connects two state space models. | |
file | ShapeFlt.m |
Generate the lowpass filter. | |
file | SizeAB.m |
Checks the dimensions of the set a, b for consistency. | |
file | SizeABCD.m |
Checks the dimensions of the set a,b,c,d for consistency. | |
file | SizeAC.m |
Checks the dimensions of the set a, c for consistency. | |
file | SRiccati.m |
Solves the matrix Riccati equation. | |
file | SS2ND.m |
The denominator polynomial. | |
file | SSEmpty.m |
Creates an empty state space system. | |
file | SSFromNonlinear.m |
Demo. | |
file | StatePrp.m |
Propagates state equations. | |
file | SteadyS.m |
Determine the steady state control for a state space system. | |
file | Step.m |
Check inputs. | |
file | SVPlot.m |
Generate the frequencies if required by looking at the pole and zero locations for each channel. | |
file | TResp.m |
Compute the time response of a state-space system. | |
file | TrnsZero.m |
Check the dimensions of a, b, c and d for consistency. | |
file | TTPlots.m |
Test for number of arguments. | |
file | Windup.m |
Implements anti windup compensation. | |
file | WPZ.m |
Check arguments. | |
file | WReson.m |
Find eigenvalues with significant imaginary parts and ignore half of the complex conjugate pairs. | |
file | Z2Damp.m |
Z domain to s domain damping and natural frequency. | |
file | Z2S.m |
Transform an z-plane transfer function into the s-plane. | |
file | ZFresp.m |
convert to poly in positive powers of z | |
file | ZOH.m |
Normalize so the the lowest order denominator term is 1. | |
Control functions.