PSS Common Module
MATLAB toolboxes for aerospace analysis
Control Directory Reference

Control functions.



file  Acker.m
 Compute the controllability matrix.
file  ACTF.m
 Generic sensor or actuator model.
file  Alias.m
 Computes the fundamental alias of a frequency.
file  AllanVariance.m
 Implements the overlapping Allan Variance.
file  Append.m
 Check the dimensions of a, b, c and d for consistency.
file  BalReal.m
 Check the dimensions of a, b, c and d for consistency.
file  BalRealG.m
 Computes a balanced realization of g.
file  BodeGP.m
 Computes the phase using the Bode gain phase rule.
file  C2DelZOH.m
 Check the inputs.
file  C2DFOH.m
 Check the inputs.
file  C2DPulse.m
 Check the inputs.
file  C2DZOH.m
 Check the inputs.
file  C2DZOHWD.m
 Check the inputs.
file  CButter.m
 Build the continuous filter.
file  CCVModel.m
 Default output.
file  CGram.m
 Check the dimensions for consistency.
file  CInputs.m
 Generates different control inputs.
file  CLoopS.m
 Creates a closed loop system.
file  CLPoles.m
 Reduce the order of the system.
file  CompE.m
 Combine in series.
file  CToD.m
 Create a discrete time compensator from a continuous time compensator.
file  CToDRand.m
file  DBalReal.m
 Check the dimensions of a, b, c and d for consistency.
file  DBode.m
 Generates a Bode plot for a discrete time system.
file  DCGain.m
 Default discrete time domain.
file  DCGram.m
 Check the dimensions for consistency.
file  Delay.m
 Create a model of a delay using Pade approximants for exp(-sT).
file  DigitalFilter.m
file  DispG.m
 Display a statespace system using vertical bar charts.
file  DOGram.m
 Check the dimensions for consistency.
file  DQCE.m
 Check the inputs.
file  DQCR.m
 Check the inputs.
file  DRiccati.m
 Check the inputs.
file  EigEval.m
file  ESAssign.m
 Check the eigenvalues.
file  ESAssignDraper.m
 Generate the weighting matrix.
file  EVAssgnC.m
 The following insures real gains.
file  EVAssgnE.m
 Use eigevector assignment to design an estimator.
file  EVDesMat.m
 Create the design matrix for the eigenstructure assignment technique.
file  FFTEngy.m
 Plot the energy in a signal.
file  FindPeaks.m
 Find peaks of the inputs by looking at slopes.
file  FOPID.m
 Fractional order PID controller.
file  FResp.m
file  FRespG.m
 Check arguments.
file  FRespPlot.m
 Nichols plot.
file  Gen2nd.m
 Creates a second order transfer function.
file  GND.m
 Check arguments.
file  GPMargin.m
 Use the Bode Gain/Phase relationship to get the correct phase.
file  GSS.m
 Compute the multivariable frequency response of the system.
file  IC.m
 Check inputs.
file  Integral.m
 Input processing.
file  InvSys.m
 Check the dimensions of a, b, c and d for consistency.
file  JLQOF.m
 Linear quadratic regulator with an output feedback cost function.
file  JLQTOF.m
 Output feedback design with a reference input.
file  JLQTWOF.m
 Output feedback design with a reference input.
file  KronProd.m
 Compute the Kronecker product.
file  KronSum.m
 Compute the Kronecker sum.
file  KSmooth.m
 Forward propagation.
file  LeadLag.m
 Create a lead or lag.
file  LFBal.m
 Perform low frequency prebalancing of a system.
file  Limit.m
 Limits a matrix.
file  LQC.m
 Build the regulator.
file  MagPlot.m
 Check arguments.
file  MSR.m
 Extract the necessary matrices.
file  ND2SS.m
 Creates state-space model from numerator and denominator polynomials.
file  NLFilter.m
 Implements a nonlinear fixed gain filter.
file  Notch.m
file  NQuant.m
 Computes the variance for various types of roundoff.
file  NumericalTransferFunction.m
file  Nyquist.m
file  OGram.m
 Check the dimensions for consistency.
file  P3Axis.m
 A 3-axis proportional controller.
file  Parallel.m
 Check the dimensions of a, b, c and d for consistency.
file  PDDesign.m
 Design a PD controller.
file  PGains.m
 Find the Hessenberg form of a such that a = t*ah*t' and t'*t = eye(t)
file  PhasePlane.m
 Switching logic.
file  PID.m
file  PIDesign.m
 Design a PI controller.
file  PIDMIMO.m
 Compute the gains assuming that omegaR is large, 5 to 10 times omega.
file  PIDProper.m
 transfer function representation of non-proper PID
file  PIDWithLag.m
 Defaults for demos.
file  PILeaky.m
file  PrintEigenvalues.m
 Print eigenvalues to the command window.
file  PropStateSpace.m
 Propagate a state space model.
file  PWM.m
 Create a model of a pulsewidth modulator using Padé approximants.
file  QCE.m
 Check the inputs.
file  QCR.m
 Check the inputs.
file  Quant.m
 Quantizes a matrix using user defined rounding.
file  Riccati.m
 Check the inputs.
file  RootLocus.m
file  RootSort.m
file  RouthArray.m
 Coefficients are [s^n ... s^0].
file  S2Damp.m
 Eigenvalues to damping and natural frequency.
file  S2Z.m
 Transform an s-plane transfer function into the z-plane.
file  SelectS.m
 Extract selected states from a state space model.
file  Series.m
 Series connects two state space models.
file  ShapeFlt.m
 Generate the lowpass filter.
file  SizeAB.m
 Checks the dimensions of the set a, b for consistency.
file  SizeABCD.m
 Checks the dimensions of the set a,b,c,d for consistency.
file  SizeAC.m
 Checks the dimensions of the set a, c for consistency.
file  SRiccati.m
 Solves the matrix Riccati equation.
file  SS2ND.m
 The denominator polynomial.
file  SSEmpty.m
 Creates an empty state space system.
file  SSFromNonlinear.m
file  StatePrp.m
 Propagates state equations.
file  SteadyS.m
 Determine the steady state control for a state space system.
file  Step.m
 Check inputs.
file  SVPlot.m
 Generate the frequencies if required by looking at the pole and zero locations for each channel.
file  TResp.m
 Compute the time response of a state-space system.
file  TrnsZero.m
 Check the dimensions of a, b, c and d for consistency.
file  TTPlots.m
 Test for number of arguments.
file  Windup.m
 Implements anti windup compensation.
file  WPZ.m
 Check arguments.
file  WReson.m
 Find eigenvalues with significant imaginary parts and ignore half of the complex conjugate pairs.
file  Z2Damp.m
 Z domain to s domain damping and natural frequency.
file  Z2S.m
 Transform an z-plane transfer function into the s-plane.
file  ZFresp.m
 convert to poly in positive powers of z
file  ZOH.m
 Normalize so the the lowest order denominator term is 1.

Detailed Description

Control functions.