PSS Common Module
MATLAB toolboxes for aerospace analysis
GUIs Directory Reference

Dialogs and GUIs including time displays.



file  EditDlg.m
 Default argument.
file  Figui.m
 Pre-2014b code: h = sort(findobj('type','figure'));.
file  Finder.m
 GUI to find occurrences of a text string in m-files on your MATLAB path.
file  GUIColors.m
 GUI for setting interface colors.
file  InformDlg.m
file  LegendFig.m
 rotate to have n rows and 3 columns
file  MessageQueue.m
 Creates a message queue GUI.
file  MLog.m
 Message log.
file  ODETimeDisplay.m
 Initialize the GUIs.
file  Selection.m
 Selection GUI.
file  SetCopy.m
 Set the dimensions of the figure when copied or printed.
file  StopGUI.m
 GUI for stopping scripts.
file  TabBox.m
 Create a tab box from plug-ins.
file  TimeCntrl.m
 Perform actions specified by the time display.
file  TimeDisplay.m
 Displays an estimate of time to go.
file  TimeGUI.m
 A GUI displaying the time remaining and estimated completion time.
file  TimeToGo.m
 Computes the time left to go in the simulation, the predicted finish.

Detailed Description

Dialogs and GUIs including time displays.