PSS Common Module
MATLAB toolboxes for aerospace analysis
FileUtils Directory Reference

File utilities.



file  DateChanged.m
 Find a list of files in the directory who have been modified after

file  FileFullpath.m
 Save the file at the path of the calling function.
file  FindDirectory.m
 Returns the path to a directory.
file  FindInFiles.m
 Find all files that contain a specified string.
file  FindRequiredFiles.m
 fprintf('\nA Delimeter precedes the Extension in the Following:
file  FindStringInFiles.m
 The following line was changed to make it work on NT, d is passed in as the directory currentPath = fileparts( d );.
file  FirstLineOfCode.m
 get full path to file and check for existence
file  FixLineEndings.m
file  GetFileRoot.m
 Get the root name of a file (without the .xxx)
file  GetFileSuffix.m
 Get the suffix of a file, i.e.
file  GetHeaders.m
 Open the file.
file  GetModificationDate.m
 Gets the modification date.
file  IsFunction.m
 Determine whether a file is a function or script.
file  OpenFile.m
 Open a file using a GUI if it is not specified.
file  PathDirectories.m
 Matlab path.
file  RemoveContentsFile.m
 Removes the 'Contents.m' file from a cell array of file names.

Detailed Description

File utilities.