Princeton Fusion Systems MATLAB Toolboxes
MATLAB toolboxes for fusion energy analysis
Inductances Directory Reference


file  CoAxBField.m
 Determine Bz.
file  CoAxConserveFluxes.m
 Compare effects of having multiple individually flux conserving loops (left side of plot) and having a small number of multiply-wound flux conserving loops in series (right side of plot)
file  CoAxEllipseRR.m
 Filaments of a coil composed of elliptical Rigid-Rotor current profile.
file  CoAxFluxField.m
 unpack into column vectors
file  CoAxFluxRadius.m
file  CoAxMutualInductance.m
 Determine the mutual inductance of coil 2 on coil 1.
file  CoAxPlotBZ.m
 Plot magnitude of Bz (|Bz|) or Br contours.
file  CoAxPlotFlux.m
 Plot flux contours at sense points given coil positions and currents.
file  CoAxRectangle.m
 Produce filament parameters of a coil with a rectangular cross section.
file  CoAxSelfInductance.m
 Determine the self inductance of a coil.
file  CoAxStruct.m
 Coil data structure.
file  CoAxTestParticle.m
 Set up demo inputs.