PSS Math Module
MATLAB toolboxes for aerospace analysis
Geometry Directory Reference

Geometric routines.



file  AngleSepFromRotation.m
file  BilinearInterpolation.m
file  FindValidAngleRange.m
 Find valid range of rotation angles that satisfy separation constraints.
file  FitEllipse.m
file  InsideAngleRange.m
file  IntersectLineAndCone.m
 Compute the intersection of a line and a cone.
file  IntersectLineAndEllipsoid.m
 Compute the intersection of a line and ellipsoid.
file  MergeAngleRange.m
file  Perpendicular.m
file  PointInGridInTriangle.m
file  PointInPolygon.m
file  PointInTriangle.m
file  SegmentIntersection.m
file  SurfaceAreaEllipsoid.m
 First and second kind.
file  UnitVectorAverage.m

Detailed Description

Geometric routines.