PSS Thermal Module
MATLAB toolboxes for aerospace analysis
HeatExchanger Directory Reference


file  AbsoluteViscosity.m
 10e-5 Pa-s
file  FrictionLaminar.m
file  HeatExchanger.m
 Designs a heat exchanger for a one sided heat flux.
file  HeatExchangerWithLosses.m
file  HeatTransferChannel.m
 Designs a heat exchanger for a one sided heat flux.
file  HeatTransferCoeff.m
 Computes the Heat transfer coefficient.
file  KinematicViscosity.m
 Computes the Kinematic viscosity.
file  NusseltDeveloping.m
 Computes the Nusselt number for developing turbulent flow.
file  NusseltLaminar.m
 Computes the Nusselt number for laminar flow.
file  NusseltTurbulent.m
 Computes the Nusselt number for fully developed turbulent flow.
file  PrandtlNikuradse.m
 Computes the Fanning friction factor for fully developed turbulent flow.
file  PrandtlNumber.m
 Computes the Prandtl number.
file  PressureDropChannel.m
 Computes the channel pressure drop.
file  ReynoldsNumberKinematic.m
 Computes the Reynolds number.
file  ThermalConductivity.m
 Computes the thermal conductivity.