Path: AerospaceUtils/CAD

% Finds the visible surfaces given a vertex and face list. 
 Computes surface shadowing ("hidden surface removal") using backface
 culling. Uses the infinite line method for determining whether a point is
 within a polygon. The ordering of vertices is consistent with Polygon.m. 

 Includes a built-in demo.
   [aV, cV, area] = HSRCAD( v, f, z, n, showScans )

   v           (:,3) Vertex list
   f           (:,3) Face list
   z           (3,1) Unit vector to the source
   n           (1,1) Number of scan lines (default 20)
   showScans   (1,1) Any argument will cause a plot to be drawn

   aV          (1,:) Visible area per face
   cV          (3,:) Centroid for each face
   area        (n,n) Matrix showing the ID of the visible surface
                     0 means no surface is visible

   Reference: Hill, F.S. Jr., Computer Graphics, p. 243.


Common: Graphics/XLabelS
Common: Graphics/YLabelS
Common: Graphics/ZLabelS
Math: Linear/Cross
Math: Linear/Unit

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