AirData |
Computes air data based on a simplified standard atmosphere model. |
AtmDens1 |
Computes the atmospheric density using an exponential model. |
AtmDens2 |
Computes the Earth's atmospheric density using scale heights. |
AtmDensTitan |
Computes the atmospheric density of Titan using a curve fit. |
AtmGamma |
Computes the ratio of specific heats for air. |
AtmJ70 |
Computes the atmospheric density using Jacchia's 1970 model. |
NRLMSISE-00 Model 2001 for atmospheric density |
AtmSnd |
Computes the speed of sound in the atmosphere. |
AtmTemp |
Computes the atmospheric temperature using a simplified model. |
BaromExp |
Computes the barometric exponent. |
DiffusionExp |
Computes the diffusion exponent. |
JacchiaLineberry |
Jacchia-Lineberry model of the upper atmosphere. |
LocalSolarTime |
Compute local solar time |
NeptuneDensity |
Compute the atm. density (kg/m^3) on Neptune given the altitude (km) |
ReynoldsNumber |
Reynold's number as a function of atmospheric density. |
SutherlandsLaw |
Sutherland's law for dynamic viscosity. |
TemperatureStagnation |
Compute the stagnation temperature in the earth's atmosphere. |
UranusDensity |
Compute the atmospheric density on Uranus. |
AddCubesatComponent |
Add a component to a CAD model. |
AirCoreTorquerModel |
Get vertices and faces for an air core magnetic torquer CAD component. |
AntennaPatch |
Get vertices and faces for an antenna CAD component. |
ArrayPatch |
Get vertices and faces for solar array CAD models. |
CameraModel |
Get CAD vertices and faces for a star camera model. |
CircuitBoard |
Get vertices and faces for a circuit board CAD model. |
CompactPCIChassis |
Get vertices and faces for a CompactPCI 3U Chassis CAD component. |
CylindricalTank |
A cylindrical tank with spherical endcaps |
DeltaWing |
Get vertices and faces for a single or double delta wing CAD model. |
Fuselage |
Get vertices and faces for a fuselage CAD model. |
HallThrusterModel |
Get CAD vertices and faces for a Hall thruster. |
Get CAD vertices and faces for the Integrated Communications and Navigation Sensor. |
Generate CAD vertices and faces for a Northrop Grumman TR-308 engine. |
LunarModuleFirstStage |
Get CAD vertices and faces for a lunar module first stage. |
LunarModuleSecondStage |
Generates a CAD component for a lunar module ascent stage. |
NoseCone |
Get CAD vertices and faces for a nose cone. |
NuclearReactorModel |
Get CAD vertices and faces for an SP-100 based space nuclear reactor. |
Panel |
Get CAD vertices and faces for a panel in the x, y plane. |
PanelFrame |
Get CAD vertices and faces for a frame for a honeycomb panel. |
PanelWithCenterHole |
Get CAD vertices and faces for a panel with a center hole. |
PanelWithCutout |
Get CAD vertices and faces for a panel with a cutout. |
Panels |
Draw panels for a spacecraft. |
REAModel |
Get CAD vertices and faces for General Dynamics REAs. |
RWAArray |
Get CAD components for an array of four reaction wheels. |
RWAModel |
Get CAD vertices and properties for a specific RWA model. |
RWAPatch |
Get CAD vertices for an RWA. |
Get CAD vertices and faces for a single-axis control moment gyro. |
SHELSFlange |
Get CAD vertices and faces for the SHELS Flange component. |
SHELSInterface |
Get vertices and faces for the SHELS Interface CAD components. |
SaturnsRings |
Get CAD vertices and faces for the rings of Saturn. |
SimpleFuselage |
Get CAD vertices and faces for a simple fuselage. |
SolarWingSupport |
Get CAD vertices and faces for a triangle strut for a solar wing. |
StarCameraBasicModel |
Get vertices and faces for a basic star camera CAD component. |
StarCameraModel |
Get CAD vertices and faces for various star cameras. |
SurfaceOfRevolution |
Generate CAD vertices and faces for a surface of revolution about z. |
TPlate |
Generate CAD vertices and faces for a T-shaped plate. |
ThrusterCAD |
Get CAD vertices and faces for a thruster model. |
ThrusterPatch |
Get vertices and faces for a thruster CAD component. |
TubeBetweenPoints |
Generate CAD vertices and faces for a tube going from x1 to x2 |
USR30Motor |
Generate CAD vertices and faces for a motor model. |
Wing |
Generate vertices and faces for a wing. |
XenonTank |
Generate a Xenon Tank CAD model based on the ETS VIII Tank. |
XenonTankSupport |
Generate CAD vertices for a Xenon Tank support based on the ETS VIII Tank. |
AzCoElToU |
Converts azimuth and coelevation to a unit vector. |
AzElRangeRangeDotToRV |
Compute r, v from range, range rate, az and el. |
AzElToU |
Converts azimuth and elevation to a unit vector. |
BankAngle |
Bank angle computations |
CoordinateTransform |
Transform between selected coordinate frames and representations. |
DownrangeAndAltFromTarget |
Finds the altitude and downrange from a target on a planet. |
Compute latitude, longitude, altitude from ECEF position. |
Computes the matrix from mean of Aries 2000 to the earth fixed frame. |
EFToLatLonAlt |
Convert an earth fixed position vector to [latitude;longitude;altitude] |
FLagrange |
Lagrange point RHS. |
Gc2GdLat |
Convert geocentric latitude to geodetic latitude. |
Gd2GcLat |
Convert geodetic latitude to geocentric latitude |
HorizonAngle |
Angle between the horizon and a vector from rG to rS. |
IntersectPlanet |
Altitude of the nearest point to a sphere. |
Compute ECEF position from latitude, longitude, altitude. |
LatLonAltToEF |
Convert [latitude;longitude;altitude] to an earth fixed position vector. |
LatLonToR |
Converts geodetic latitude and longitude to r for an ellipsoidal planet. |
OmegaFromU |
Finds a total angular rate from a set of unit vectors. |
OmegaLVLH |
Generate the LVLH angular rate vector. |
Q2RADec |
Compute right ascension and declination of a vector from a quaternion. |
QAcq |
Given at least three vectors computes the initial quaternion. |
QAlign |
Rotate about a body axis to align a body vector with an inertial vector. |
QFrom2U |
Finds a quaternion with u1 aligned with u1ECI and u2 close to u2ECI. |
QHills |
Generate the quaternion that transforms from the ECI to the Hills frame. |
QIToBDot |
Computes the time derivative of a quaternion. |
Generate the quaternions that transform from ECI to LVLH coordinates. |
QLatLon |
Generate the quaternions that transform from ECI to a lat/long frame |
QNadirPoint |
Generate a quaternion that points a body vector uB towards nadir. |
QRotateToAlign |
Rotate about an axis to align "ua" as close as possible to target "ut" |
Interpolate a quaternion using the SLERP algorithm. |
QToPFTarget |
Generate a quaternion to go to a planet fixed lat/long target. |
QVectorAlign |
Rotate about an axis to align "ua" as close as possible to target "ut" |
R2LatLon |
Computes geocentric latitude and longitude from r |
Computes right ascension and declination and their rates. |
RaDec2Q |
Right ascension and declination to a quaternion. |
RollPitchToQECI |
Convert roll, pitch, r and v to QECIToBody |
SunAzEl |
Approx. azimuth and elevation of the sun for a time and place on earth. |
TargetFromRPVD |
Finds a target on a planet. |
U2AzEl |
Converts a unit vector to azimuth and elevation. |
U2RADec |
Computes the right ascension and declination from a unit vector. |