Path: AerospaceUtils/CAD
% Generates default properties for specific devices. This function can perform the following actions: * return a list of available device types * return a list of parameters used to define any specific device * return component data for the device when passed the needed parameters The third form should only be used from within CreateComponent. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Form: types = DeviceProperties [p,g] = DeviceProperties( type ) m = DeviceProperties( type, m, properties, values, computeInertia ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Inputs ------ type (1,:) Type m (:) Component struct properties {:} Property names values {:} Property values mass (:) Mass structure ------- Outputs ------- types {:} List of all available device types p (.) Properties data structure g (.) Geometry fields data structure m (:) Updated component struct .v Vertices .f Faces --------------------------------------------------------------------------
AerospaceUtils: CAD/GenericProperties AerospaceUtils: ComponentModels/ArrayPatch AerospaceUtils: ComponentModels/CameraModel AerospaceUtils: ComponentModels/HallThrusterModel AerospaceUtils: ComponentModels/NuclearReactorModel AerospaceUtils: ComponentModels/REAModel AerospaceUtils: ComponentModels/RWAModel AerospaceUtils: ComponentModels/StarCameraModel AerospaceUtils: Coord/IntersectPlanet FormationFlying: Help/HelpSystem SC: Actuator/FrictionSmooth SC: Actuator/RWA SC: Actuator/SingleAxisDrive SC: BasicOrbit/CP2I SC: BasicOrbit/OrbRate SC: BasicOrbit/RVFromKepler SC: Ephem/EOfE SC: Ephem/EarthNut SC: Ephem/EarthPre SC: Ephem/EarthRot SC: Ephem/EarthRte SC: Ephem/GMSTime SC: Ephem/MSidDay SC: Ephem/NutDelta SC: Ephem/ObOfE SC: Ephem/TruEarth SC: Hardware/FloatToWord SC: Hardware/WordToFloat SC: MagneticControl/MagneticTorquer SCPro: ProActuators/SingleAxisLinearDrive SCPro: ProSensors/GPSReceiver SCPro: ProSensors/GPSSatellite SCPro: ProSensors/RangeMeasurement Common: CommonData/Sosumi Common: CommonData/SwooshWatermark Common: ComponentModels/Box Common: ComponentModels/Frustrum Common: ComponentModels/GeomPatch Common: GUIs/MessageQueue Common: General/CellToMat Common: General/CloseFigure Common: General/DeBlankLT Common: General/DispWithTitle Common: General/FSWClock Common: General/MatToCell Common: General/ProcessTag Common: General/StringMatch Common: General/Watermark Common: Graphics/Axis3D Common: Graphics/DrawVertices Common: Graphics/Ellipsd Common: Graphics/Map Common: Graphics/NewFig Common: Graphics/Plot2D Common: Graphics/Plot3D Common: Graphics/PltStyle Common: Graphics/TimeLabl Common: Graphics/TitleS Common: Graphics/XLabelS Common: Graphics/YLabelS Common: Graphics/ZLabelS Common: MassProperties/AddMass Common: MassProperties/IC623X3 Common: MassProperties/Inertias Common: Quaternion/Q2Mat Common: Quaternion/QTForm Common: Quaternion/QZero Common: Quaternion/U2Q Common: Time/DTSToDTA Common: Time/Date2JD Common: Time/JD2000 Common: Time/JD2T Common: Time/JDToMidnight Math: Geometry/Perpendicular Math: Linear/Cross Math: Linear/Dot Math: Linear/DupVect Math: Linear/Mag Math: Linear/SkewSq Math: Linear/Unit Math: MathUtils/R2P5 Math: Trigonometry/CosD Math: Trigonometry/SinD
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