
Path: CubeSat/Visualization

% Plot an orbit track. Converts the inertial positions to planet-fixed.
 Pass in the time array and the initial epoch. The epoch may be a Julian date
 or a datetime array. The initial position is marked with an 'o'. Ground
 stations are marked with 'x'.

 You generate the planet data structure like this example;
 The replication of the image map is needed because the png is gray scale.

   p = imread('planet.png');
   p3(:,:,1) = p;
   p3(:,:,2) = p;
   p3(:,:,3) = p;
   planet.planetMap = p3;
   planet.radius = 1000; = 'MyPlanet';

 Type GroundTrack for a demo showing an orbit around the Earth.
   GroundTrack( r, t, jD0, planet, gS )
   GroundTrack( r, t, datetime, planet, gS )

   r                (3*n,:) ECI position vectors (km)
   t                (1,:) Time array (sec)
   jD0              (1,1) Epoch Julian date
   datetime         (1,6) [year month day hour minute seconds]

   planet           (1,:) Planet (default is earth)
                          (1,:) name
                          (:)   planetMap
                          (:)   planetColorMap (optional)
                          (1,1) radius (km)
   gS               (2,:) Ground stations [lat;lon] (deg)

   h                (1,1) Figure handle   

 See also ECIToPlanet, R2LatLon, Date2JD


AerospaceUtils: Coord/R2LatLon
SC: BasicOrbit/Period
SC: BasicOrbit/RVFromKepler
SC: Ephem/ECIToPlanet
SC: SCMat/Earth
SC: SCMat/EarthMR
Common: Graphics/Map
Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Graphics/XLabelS
Common: Graphics/YLabelS
Common: Time/Date2JD
Common: Time/JD2000

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