
Path: CubeSat/Communications

% Link analysis computing bit error probability along an orbit. 

 The orbit is the spaceraft position in km. Each orbit position must
 have a corresponding Julian day number. Modulations are 'BPSK' 'QPSK'
 'DE-BPSK' 'DE-QPSK' 'D-BPSK' The output is the bit error probability as
 a function of the orbit position. This will be zero if the ground
 station is not visible. Assumes antenna is omni-directional.

 Note that the TSky model is limited to frequencies between 2.5 and 60
 GHz. If a frequency outside this is entered the closest endpoint is used.

 Type LinkOrbitAnalysis for a demo.
   bEP = LinkOrbitAnalysis( r, jD, d )

   r      (3,:) Orbit Earth Fixed (km)
   jD     (1,:) Julian date (days)
   d      (.)   Comm data structure
                .fGHz                 (1,1) Frequency (GHz)
                .diameterReceive      (1,1) Receive antenna diameter (m)
                .apertureEfficiency   (1,1) Aperture efficiency
                .polarizationAngle    (1,1) Polarization angle (deg)
                .attError             (1,1) Average attitude error (deg)
                .latitude             (1,1) Ground station latitude (rad)
                .longitude            (1,1) Ground station longitude (rad)
                .altitude             (1,1) Ground station altitude (km)
                .bitRate              (1,1) Bit rate (bps)
                .ampAntennaLoss       (1,1) Antenna loss (dB)
                .beamEdgeLoss         (1,1) Beam edge loss (dB)
                .powerTransmit        (1,1) Transmit power (W)
                .temperatureERX       (1,1) ERX temperature (deg-K)
                .temperatureFeeder    (1,1) Feeder temperature (deg-K)
                .lossFeeder           (1,1) Feeder loss (dB)
                .modulation           (1,:) Modulation e.g. 'D-BPSK';
                .horizonAngle         (1,1) Horizon angle cutoff (rad)
                .gainTransmit         (1,1) Gain of satellite transmitter (dB)

   bEP      (1,:)  Bit error probability

   See also LatLonAltToEF, FrequencyToWavelength, DBSignalToPower, TSky,
   TAntennaGround, TReceiver, GroundStationVisibility, BEP


AerospaceUtils: Coord/ECIToEF
AerospaceUtils: Coord/LatLonAltToEF
Link: Coverage/GroundStationVisibility
Link: LinkUtilities/BEP
Link: LinkUtilities/DBSignalToPower
Link: LinkUtilities/FrequencyToWavelength
Link: RF/LossAtmosphericGas
Link: RF/LossPolarization
Link: RF/TAntennaGround
Link: RF/TReceiver
Link: RF/TSky
SC: BasicOrbit/Period
SC: BasicOrbit/RVFromKepler
Common: Graphics/NewFig
Common: Graphics/Plot2D
Common: Graphics/TimeLabl
Common: Graphics/TitleS
Common: Graphics/XLabelS
Common: Graphics/YLabelS
Common: Time/Date2JD
Common: Time/JD2T
Math: Linear/Mag

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